
Is the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ride still open?

Because TV and cinema are different media? I mean, he did give us The Clone Wars movie. 

I have written about this before. My #1 tell is what kind of emotional response it triggers. A lot of these stories seem to be trying to confirm your beliefs about “them”.

he was looking 4 years into the future

“Folks, you’re going to end up learning how to read! Is that what you want for yourselves? For your children?”

Right Wing Talking Point 1: People who can’t afford babies shouldn’t have them

Ya, I read this and thought “this sounds like kidnapping. In fact, this behavior is specifically listed in the federal statute for kidnapping”

There won’t be a draft. One of the advantages to having a military that is all voluntary, heavily uses private military contractors, and is able to rain fire from several time zones away, is that your average voter doesn’t see the results our our policies and actions. And when we do see a flag draped coffin or dead

But whereas we spent the 60s, 70s, and 80s spreading the message of acceptance, tolerance and diversity

Its nifty you have a clever little nickname for a stereotype, but there doesn’t seem to be a specific generation involved with this issue. Perhaps you feel a little defensive about it being a certain network? People will always complain about changes. That is reality.

I don’t know about your provider, but on FiOS, OANN and Newsmax are just up the dial. Also, Sinclair broadcasting has been buying up local stations.

My mom’s Verizon cable box has a weird problem where all the 24 hour news networks don’t work. Its just so odd. And that problem might extend to PIX, the local Sinclair affiliate, eventually.

FOX gets consistently high ratings and their core viewers are very dedicated. We can talk about how useless Nielsen ratings are and why a channel like FOX, which is often just the default in a public space, is not the juggernaut it seems, but the fact is, if you are a cable company stuck in the 90s they are a big deal.

MSNBC is nominally left leaning. They have lots of liberal on air people, even an actual progressive or two. But, its still a typical large corporation. I don’t think you’d see too much outrage from the left, especially millenials and Gen Y, if that happened. Most of the on air talent has a presence other than their sh

Ya, now they will have to rely on...Sinclair broadcasting, OANN, and Newsmax networks.

Yes, those all exist.

He’s been feuding and fussing with FNC* and giving shout outs to OANN**.

*Fascist Noise Channel
**Overtly Aryan Nationalist Network

There’s a reason Sinclair has been buying up local broadcast stations

Accept you will spend more time learning the technical side of things than you will actually talking about your topic.

The original Ghostbusters was a pointless buddy comedy. This movie looks closer to a Tremors sequel than a Ghostbusters sequel.

One day, I shall see one of these people who claim only misogynists didn’t like the 2016 Ghostbusters remake. It may not be today or tomorrow, but I am sure, one day.