
Apparently, Pompeo and Barr traveled to Italy for a romantic getaway to investigate Hilary’s missing emails.

I don’t think focusing on an easy to prove crime is a bad thing in and of itself. A lot of the seats she is reportedly worried about actually campaigned on issues like national security. This current scandal ties directly into that. What annoys me is the push to rush through proceedings.

What? How are progressives supposed to primary Republicans?

In Trump world, John Bolton is now a Socialist. Grains of salt on that one.

Thats the real reason she was at the UN. She wanted to see him when the news broke.

Its John Barron. After years of Trump fighting off sleep by mainlining speed, he had a mental breakdown, his alter ego has manifested itself and taken a life of its own. Being the only part of trump with a sense of human decency, he has actually worked to sabotage the whole administration.

I keep saying this administration is like if the people who make SyFy originals tried to make their own version of Goodfellas

Found the triggered inadequate white boy.

well, it makes you itchier. If you are a foreign dignitary or an industry lobbyist, it makes you richer.

And things like farm subsidies

California’s laws only apply to California. If manufacturers choose to apply those standards to all their models because it would lower production costs, that is part of something called the free market. That means, comrade, that you have no right to dictate how either California passes laws or how the automobile

Pretty sure this counts as targeted harassment. Twitter probably won’t do shit about it, but you could report it.

It seems like this rule comes up every year. Like, someone will surrender himself and it starts off a controversy. 

Gee, maybe this will finally do it. Maybe this will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Maybe for realsies this time.

Jesus H Christ, Germany.

I hope the next round of protests and demonstrations happen on the front lawns of the oil executives and government officials. Make that shit real for them.

God damn it, white people!

I’m beginning to think the “Party of Personal Responsibility” is a bit of a misnomer.

Do they also talk about how the World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolitions?

I think you are giving way too much credit to Trump. This shit goes back decades. Nixon started getting into bed with the Jerry Falwell crowd and turned political differences into cultural battles (ironic that he was actually fairly progressive compared to the current GOP). It got turned up to 11 after Watergate.

Ya, the guy who didn’t even wait for the Chargers to finish calling his name at the draft to demand a trade is all class. The guy who probably should have stepped for years ago but kept going and kept management afraid to even mention drafting another QB in case he would feel “disrespected”.