
You also would only be working 4 days a week for like 4 months of the year.

Don’t their home states/districts supply a housing allowance?

My wife is from Iowa and your view of Iowans and MidWesterners in general is far more positive than hers.

When he said the neo-Nazi party in Austria would fit in with the Republican party?

I’ve worked plenty of places that had a boiler plate response to not wanting to complicate things by involving a third party. One retail job I had even gave you a video to watch at your orientation and an annual all hands meeting to stress how they don’t like unions. I mean, ya, they were very much threatening us, but

Strange how the AFL-CIO and Department of Labor did not get similar challenges from him.

Also, Soledad O’Brien should make him cry again.

Except the Tea Party crazies are the ones they will try to disavow. The people who show up to public events heavily armed. The people who go full bore into wild ass conspiracy theories. The people who hang on every word the FOX News Nightly Nazis crap out. The ones who send pipe bombs in the mail. The ones who stock

Isn’t the national anthem itself a political display?

Really? The movie where every woman enters a scene with an upskirt shot was made by a Trump supporter? Shocking.

So, stuff that already happens? You know they already do things that are way worse, right?

We’ll see. Russian bots don’t really help with Nielson ratings. 

Still, I think the bubble is bursting. People with a shred of decency are becoming aware of what those outlets really are and there are only so many dollars and eyeballs to go around now when all you have have is “owning the libs now buy my merch” . They have already started cutting each other’s throats. Eventually,

You’re counting on the typical FOX viewer having the will or aptitude to find another channel. Assuming OANN is even available to them.

Fuck ‘em. That’s why they get price regulation.

It’s only a matter of time before the GOP targets businesses that donate to the Democratic hopefuls because they support “socialism” - that scary, fear-mongering buzzword we’ll hear every three seconds in this campaign.

So poor people can beg rich people for money? That is a good thing to you? If these rich assholes were actually socially responsible instead of draining every cent they can out of society, we wouldn’t need as many charitable organizations. Hell, most of the ones that exist seem to be just to help hide money for the

Ya, we’re probably not getting field level for a nickel anymore.

Mets: Satan will be back to collect soon enough.

The only questions are:
Which 2?
Which orifice?

“Amell” ? I dont know, that name doesn’t sound “gritty” enough. Like he has some "showboat" in his blood.