
She even said “we need to have faith in the courts and we need to have faith in the system” yesterday. While dismissing the mechanism the system has put in her hands and ignoring the fact that their inaction is leading to the Republicans packing the courts.

Nixon’s approval prior to the Watergate hearings was near 70%. 

Ya, demonstrating Trump administration officials are corrupt and incompetent isn’t really a win anymore. Don’get me wrong, Rep Pressley did the right thing, but this nonsense has to end. Pointing and laughing at these scumbags while real lives are destroyed doesn’t accomplish a goddamned thing.

And Shohreh Ahgdashloo’s Chrisjen Avasarala would fit right in on GoT. She’s a goddamned treasure

Somewhere, the Mets are watching this and saying “Challenge Accepted!”

That’s what you got out of that? Well, if that is how you want to see the world.

You mean the things a union does?

what caliber of gun is the guy forcing you to read this pointing at your head?

You mean how the auto industry execs fucked up management of their companies, fell behind technologically, got eaten alive by foreign competition, and then blamed the unions for their own short sightedness and general ineptitude?

the deadline in Texas to file for the Senate race is December 9, 2019

Ya, I do think Schumer is a miserable excuse for a “leader” but not all of these are some sort of failure of Democratic leadership. Cornyn is an actual politician. Cruz is snot who takes advantage of slavish adherence to “the rules”. Cruz was a lot easier target. 

They exist in suburban America. I know first hand. Much like racism, they are getting a lot bolder in displaying this attitude as well.

OK, what I am about to say in no way refers to Ilhan Omar as I have no issues with what she has said.

This is what Pelosi and the establishment Dems mean by “unity”. Don’t be different from us. And look how well it plays out.

Doesn’t Pelosi run unopposed in a safe district? Does that mean she should shut the hell up?

If she can survive the first round or two of cuts, her ground game is going to blow people’s minds.

It should also be noted that the quality of nominees is insanely uneven. Say what you will about Obama nominating a bunch of bank friendly centrists, at least they were qualified for the jobs. He even put up moderate Republicans. The Dems don’t look for party lackeys simply to rubber stamp the scam du jour.

Does she smile enough? Would you have a beer with her?

Because she isn’t young, or hip or anything. And while other candidates do important stuff like hit all the talk shows, make a meaningless spectacle of themselves in Senate confirmation hearings, dance on tables, or dodge uncomfortable questions about troubling positions and statements from their past, Warren is doing

Why didn’t she do what ever other conservative troll would do: Feign outrage at a liberal for making a domestic violence joke? Then, she would would have had Shapiro, McCain, Domenech, all the Fox News Nightly Nazis, and an army of anonymous trolls and bots running to her defense, trying to get Ali fired. Isn’t that