
What would McConnell and Meth’d out Eva Braun do? Move the only jobs left in Mississippi?

Colin Cowherd just passed out from the erection taking all the blood from his brain. He’s currently collapsed on the floor mumbling “who’s your dad”

I had a college professor who was also an Air Force officer and served in Korea. He used to tell us that the military and clergy were alike in that they attracted the very strong and very weak.

Cuomo never mentioned Amazon during his campaign and DiBlasio was reelected 2 years ago. Nobody voted for this shit.

Its weird, almost like companies value resources that help them make money over tax breaks that barely qualify as a rounding error for them. Like, an educated populace that can easily travel to your facility with adequate infrastructure and utilities is way more important than a tax break in a location where you’ll

She needs to be careful. Her bosses bend the knee quick to their corporate masters. There may be consequences for this type of seditious speak.

I think a progressive who talks health care and financial security, especially one from the western part of the state, could do it. 

According to my wife’s family in Iowa, Ernst is not popular. Granted, they are from the Eastern part that tends to be blue, but, its more populated and even the deep red sections are pissed off at Stupid and his lackeys (among whom is Ernst) about the trade wars, healthcare, and immigration. (not that they are fans of

Like he actually paid

I’d say Colorado, North Carolina, and Iowa can be won.

Eh, I am usually happy to bag on Pelosi for her dismissive attitude towards progressives and such, but I see the tactical value of what she did here.

yes, because you can always believe what a politician tells a late night talk show host.

Ya, I keep seeing these “reformed” Republicans like Steve Schmidt on TV bashing “far left” ideas like the universal health care plan first proposed by Nixon. It seems their main problems are overt racism and screwing up our foreign policy. They want to join the good guys on their own terms, but refuse to accept their p

No, he should have let Sherman keep going.

how many ways can we finish that sentence?

538 is giving the Dems bad odds in the senate as well. Its not that they won’t be insanely close in some races that should have been laughers (North Dakota, Texas and Tennessee) but rather that the Dems are just playing too much defense this time around. Too many Red/Purple State Dems on the ballot.

What did it cost them? People who were going to vote Republican are more enthusiastic about voting Republican? Bredesen was neck and neck with the moron in Tennessee until he went centrist. The majority of the country thinks Kavanaugh is unqualified. 

Or "inmates" in at least one case

Ya, it was hard to decipher. English doesn’t seem to be his first language

49 primaries over the last 2 years of various offices