
this is not only good policy—

Its not a complicated of tricky mission. Cut through the mooks, get on the transport.

Shouldn’t the credentialing process do that?

It can also be used to build files on journalists.

She was barely in it, to be fair. And the whole movie was just a mess.

That’s some good old Midwestern passive aggressiveness

So, we can call him selfish now, right? A “glory boy”? A locker room cancer? Can we expect a flood of hot takes about his “baggage”? Speculation about what role his personal life is playing in all this? Maybe look for reasons he’s not that good a quarterback any more?

What is really crazy is those were $80K jobs because they were knocking years off their lives and they had unions looking out for them (sort of)

Well originally, they weren’t supposed to be professional politicians. Granted the work load is more than a little different these days.

We call what you are doing there “moving the goal posts”.

The Dems don’t control the House and the Republicans are morally and ethically bankrupt, so what would be the point? To tire people out of the investigation? To further confuse the issue? To make give the Republicans a chance to point at the Dems and scream “they are undermining the president!” ?

Weird, I remembered Obama being the President at the time for 8 years, but I guess I was wrong!

The party in power always loses big.

Or maybe, you and the DCCC can actually learn from the massive failures of the last 10 years and realize it isn’t just raising and spending money, but rather pounding ground and working for votes? Maybe? Perhaps?

You know this is a troll, right?

Ya, they are going to take all this momentum, give us luke warm “centrists” who would have qualified as Republicans 10 years ago, insult the progressive wing, yell at them for not accepting the corporate Dem version of “inclusion”,bend over backwards in vain attempts to appeal to rural and suburban white voters who

Oh, damn, that last line. That was a haymaker.

This is it right here. that’s why the younger guys are jumping ship. Watch, if the Dems make any significant gains this year, some of these dudes who should have lost their seats this November will get away from the coming shit show.

You know the GOP has literally said in public that compromise equals surrender, right? You can’t compromise with someone who is not dealing in good faith. The Dems should actually be putting forth actual policies and sticking to them to drive a wedge in the GOP. Force the allegedly sane republicans to either go