
Wow it sure is odd that this post got approved yet anytime i criticize Terrell it stays pending for days. What a weird mystery that is....

Congrats Terrell! For the first time in a while this article isn’t full of BS and your own brand of propaganda.

It is worth noting they believe the upgraded engine will provide more power and be more reliable with less vibration. We can only hope they are competitive by Australia...

Once again this “journalist” misses the mark. The way the title is worded implies its an overarching opinion held by veterans. Well guess what, I am one and many people I know are and found it very touching. Additionally, do you really think that a senator has access to all the classified material obtained. Simply,

I tried to do that, I commented with actual points less than an hour after LTCMontana and somehow my comment is still pending...I guess the only way to get comments approved is to not provide any counter points to the “journalist”

...it says LTC no just LT

Russia is moving away from a conscript mass mobilization force towards a professional army like we have, although they are not quite there. That does not mean we are peers however. It does mean that specific point is not very accurate.

I prefer calling it a whale tale. It gives a whole ocean them to that area of the car

well...manufacturers do like to stick with a design theme so everything looks similar

It is probably cause they aren’t showing all their fancy pieces yet, and the fact that its livery hardly changed, but this looks like the most boring of the cars released so far. Maybe I am getting used to the new looks, or maybe I just have a thing for shark fins.

I don’t feel ute and pickup are interchangeable words.

I feel you are a bit uninformed on the migrant crisis’ affect on Europe. First, you can’t just give people jobs, what would they do, where would they work? Jobs do not just appear. Second, many of the individuals do not want to be “German” or “Belgian” or “Swedish” and are reluctant to assimilate. Also, there are

I would rather have speed cameras than pay an adult to sit on the side of the road waiting for someone dumb enough to see their car and keep speeding when they could actually do meaningful police work, which may actually require less people and save more money.

It is interesting to see what was once my favorite car website become a platform for political opinions, but regardless I will join in if only in an analytic context.

What is failed to be mentioned in this article is the deterrence aspect of nuclear weapons. If you look at just the facts presented in this article it seems like they are just a burden to maintain and we have too much. However just a quick look at Russia’s military modernization efforts since 2008 will make you

Correct, the Focus hasn’t been used in the WRC class since 2010...should be common knowledge to the writing staff on a website like this.

You should take a look at autoscout24.de as well

where did that 650+ number come from? I was under the impression they were coming in line with the WTCC cars which are right around 380hp


No but I can get right on that.