
I can’t wait for their new musical number, “Springtime for KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!”

We’ve renamed it into Star Trek: The Producers

No, they raided CBS’s current wardrobe and set Star Trek Discovery back by 10 months.

That is just terrible. It looks like they raided CBS’s old wardrobe storage and pulled random old Star Trek outfits from mothballs and called it a day. The Medusa outfit is easily the worst of the bunch though, you’re right.


Nothing like a biscuit covered in a liquid biscuit.

No! Keep her as a reformed Killer Frost do what they did on Angel with Amy Acker. Better yet have the two personalities merge and fight or something, the flash is crazy enough to make it work.

I never thought I’d say this but Danielle Panabaker was the highlight of the show last night. Caitlyn is almost always so freaking bland and it seems like last night was the first time the actress as really gotten to do something.

I note that most of the bleeding, screaming and dying during the late unpleasantness was also done by by white people on both sides of the argument. So, there is that.

Marvel Presents Corridor Fight: The Series

Don’t get support from people then piss all over everyone and tell the few “oh sorry you got wet, it wasn’t meant for you”.

also accurate

Any before anymore grays jump in talking about Kanye let me say; motherfucker you ain’t Kanye. KANYE ain’t even Kanye half the time.

See, now there’s some southern heritage I think we can all get behind!

It’s been a rough few days. Waffles and eggs were owed to me, so I made them lol

They’re half right. It’s history AND hate. Put the slave flag in a museum along with the old iron slave manacles and slave posters. You want to celebrate your Southern heritage? Fry up a biscuit. No hate in a good biscuit.

Because they’re assholes. Raging assholes.

Please tell me more about how a gun 20 feet away from me fired into the air sounds “very different” than a gun fired at me from the same distance.

Ahh yes the old “Black people are wrong or lying about the racism they experienced growing up and continue to experience” line.

I don’t know why these morons keep shooting at moving cars. They endanger everyone else in the fucking street, hit passengers who have no control over the car and risk the car going out of control, thus endangering everyone in the street, when they kill the person in control of a 2-ton vehicle.