
why do you keep saying emergency exit. Weren’t they just the regular theater exits? I know they point them out “in case of emergency” because the fire martial says to indicate all exits, but they are there to be used for any exit. I mean people go out of movie theaters through those directly to their cars all the time.

Security at its most basic? nah. I mean leaving the door so that it can be opened, is a violation of security sure, but only in the sense that they are trying to keep people from sneaking in without paying. These are not emergency doors at all, which only exist for emergencies, they are exit doors. Like in every other

I hear you but cannot see it. It’s obviously better for their business if people cannot get in through the exits, but its not like its an obligation. And asking and retail outlet to be prepared for every extraordinary act is unreasonable. They had no way of foreseeing that a madman would come in with an arsenal, and

This is the kind of crap kids with ADD have to deal with. They are always fidgeting, and teachers get annoyed and some do crap like this. sigh.


Okay I admit that if they did not file a police report or talk to police then that is different. But I thought that I read that there was a police report. Was one filed by the gas station people? What prompted the courts involvement? If there was no police involvement and the court just watched the news and said Hey

Well they said a guy put a guy to their head. That would be a crime. But they apparently mislead police, probably a crime. And vandalism is also a crime. Look I readily see how part of this is the high profile of these particular rude Americans but come on. It got international coverage, ita unclear what happened, of

When the judge issued the order, it was a Potential crime that was under investigation. Whether the swim guys or the gas station guys were at fault, I can see a state interest in getting to the bottom of it, and I think seizing passports is okay in those instances. but I am no expert on the law, it just seems to be

Yup that’s what I mean. One of them gave 10+ to a charity. If they had managed to leave its much harder to shake them down.

I don’t know. I have been in that spot where I have been friends with someone for a long time and then they do something outright unacceptable. It takes a while to shake off any desire to preserve that friendship, so you do equivocate.

I do not see how it was a violation of international law to seize passports pending and investigation involving potential criminal activity. I agree that probably all sides of this are lying a bit. But Lochte clearly lied and bailed leaving the problem in his bros laps. Not cool dude

To get the story straight before they left. And make them pay for damages.

I think you got that wrong way round

Are we sure it isn’t just that now that there has been sex, the guy sees you as a complete person and want’s to say hello?

We had this discussion on here a while ago. I was called whip smart all the time as a kid, and I am a guy and asked. It appears opinions are mixed. Some folks thoguht it was gendered. Many were like me, and thought it was primarily directed towards kids, and many thought that there was nothing either way. Someone had

I work as an employment discrimination investigator, speak Spanish fluently, and am Caucasian. I am annoyed by this woman to a startling degree. It is ridiculous of her to assume that all Hispanics speak Spanish, that Caucasians don’t and that therefore not speaking Spanish is the same as being white. Legally, Spanish

Unless of course he does launch a nuclear war and end civilization.

That would make sense if all ethnicities were starting from zero but since Hollywood roles are dominated by white folks, and POC have so often been played by whites (John Wayne as Genghis Khan??? please) the shift needs to be toward more POC and less whites. So to take a Japanese character and have them played by a

The idea of an international multicultural setting is a good one. Too bad its bullshit. Seriously. Just say Scarlet Johannson is a draw so we went with her. We will do the best we can with keeping the rest of the cast diverse but no promises.

Wow. I mean yeah obviously the families original lawsuits were ridiculous, but this is just low.