
They're crossing their arms because they're posing for a photo and there just aren't that many options for what to do with your arms. It doesn't mean anything. Also, I can't see how that's a "mean" look at all. Maybe your perceptions are being colored by something not in the photo...

And, 792 explosions in 833 myths... I wonder how many bullets have been expended.

I can't believe that I hadn't considered that point. A lightsaber would be damn-near the awesomest flashlight on the planet. Still, you have to consider the possibility of accidentally slicing off limbs or accidentally slicing through the walls in your house...

And yet you still write reviews of smartphone apps...


You guys made me nervous with this; I'm still feeling pain over the "new layout" debacle... (I'd be less dissatisfied if my "blog view" preference could be remembered by Chrome and if you brought back the code to exclude tags via the address bar, but even so I think they site is worse for all of us who read the site

I'm only bringing this up because it has to be mentioned at least once on this article.

Yeah, except Germany and Japan are now pretty strongly anti-nuke at this point. Japan will be importing natural gas and Germany will be importing coal. Big win for global climate apocalypse.

When they get a warrant to cut a car into pieces searching for drugs or cash, I don't think the owner gets compensated for the car.

Not if they got a warrant to do it first.

You win the bowling pun contest by squeezing in a Lebowski reference...

I can't even spare the energy to tell you how wrong this is...

Fair points, all of them.

GE and Westinghouse have effective monopolies on selling uranium nuclear fuel. There is no way for anyone to get rich distributing Thorium, so GE and Westinghouse aren't interested.

Except, film and processing is going to cut into that price difference. Also, you can't even shoot on film the way you can digitally. With a digital camera, you can take a few hundred shots in a day looking for the perfect shot. That would be tricky and expensive with film.

Look at the bestmodo list for 4/3 cameras.

I love you and I hate you...

Aside from the thing that makes this really great, there's one that's the same somewhere else for less money...

The obscure reference joke is the best joke. You sir, (or mam,) told the best joke.

Woz is still technically an employee, but he doesn't have any duties. He's allowed on campus and has an employee badge.