
I'm saying that if the price were the same then you would know that everyone who bought a ticket to the 2D version was doing it because the actually didn't care about 3D instead of the possibility that they preferred 3D but wanted to spend less money.

"But now that Jobs has passed, there's no one at Apple to say "no" to bad design."

I like mine, though to be honest, I'd probably like the current gen shuffle more. I've owned the first gen shuffle and the "buttonless" one and I liked them both.

Customers dislike the price difference. People complain about it. I think it's a good move; if the prices were the same then the studios could really get a clear picture just how many people dislike 3D in theaters. It's an interesting gimmick, but it doesn't do anything to improve the storytelling.

Only in a few states.

It's for consuming media. It's near perfect for reading books or watching movies and TV. It's also no slouch when it comes to internet and email, but like you I'd rather use my laptop for those purposes.

I was thinking the same thing. With the exception of the Boombox and the Stereo Color TV, every other product on that list was new technology when it came out. (I'm excluding Portable Compact Disk because miniaturization IS new technology.)

I've read the articles, I still don't buy it.


Buy a 13 inch macbook pro and go with bootcamp/windows. That will give you windows for when you have no choice and OS X Unix the rest of the time.

Google will not be your friend in this quest; it's not the most suited search method.

What on earth do you mean by "digital media"? Your stack of VHS tapes aren't digital. Neither are all those cassette tapes in your car... Magnets don't bother the holes that are burned into a layer of foil by a laser on your CDs and DVDs much at all... Perhaps you still have a Sony Minidisk player? Perhaps you attend

For clarification, season one day early and let sit in the fridge, or let sit at room temp? If it's let sit at room temp overnight, I'm probably not comfortable with that. If it's "season the night before and refrigerate," I'll give it a try.

Note that I used the word "never" in my first sentence and "should" in my second sentence. I meant it that way.

Yes, this exactly. Please, this.

Soooo many... For me, the most important one is that they can take some really high heat. Then, there's the durability. And that a well cured cast-iron pan is a great cooking surface. It's thick so the heat is even. It doesn't poison you like a teflon pan. You can put it in the oven without destroying the pan...

Except, one should never put meat in a cold pan. Also, that pan should have at least some oil in it.

Was it a juried art fair, or an "anyone who shows up and pays the fee can have a booth" art fair? Because, if it's the second type, it's shit. Juried art fairs can make money for everyone; the other type only really makes money for the organizers and a few people who sell mass-produced crap disguised as art.

A prank in my high school (perpetrated frequently, but only by one person, and almost no-one knew that it was even a prank,) was to short the power to an entire wing of our 100 year old high school. About 10 classrooms at a time would lose power until the breaker was reset. Of course, the lights and outlets were all

Latex gloves aren't magic. 30,000 volts would go right through them.