
I won't even considering something with a tacky 1974 gold/bronze faded looking piece of shit logo.

Reposting my comment from the earlier story:

No, you're not alone.

Weird transition.

As ridiculous as it may sound, the Abarth is truly as good IF NOT BETTER than a Ferrari.

Who is this guy, and why is he shouting?

The baked lighting isn't too bad. At least the baked lighting has some definition and actually casts itself onto objects. Unlike some other "modern" games *cough*Fallout*cough*

I'm still amazed that this game was made by a development team that only ever had 18 total employees.

Very distinct sound.

Best scoop? Mopar Air Grabber

Worst: Nissan Pulsar GTI-R

The Alfa Romeo Montreal definitely has one of the best hood scoops. It isn't overly intrusive, NACA ducts are always awesome, and the placement of it is also useful for styling as well; it was placed there to put less emphasis on the car's power bulge.

the second gen speed3's hood scoop is one thats done right in my opinion! wish the first gen had one instead of the ducks on the grill

2003-2004 Ford Mustang Mach 1. An actual shaker hood scoop with hole in the hood and all. Has a air passage that runs down to the factory air box. Supposedly uses the same tooling as the original old Mach 1's. (Car in picture is mine)

The GC8 chassis is still the best looking out of all the WRXs to date.

Shave its mustache, let the swelling go down, and this could be a very cool little hatch.

As opposed to lesser known W123 round, which just never, ever stopped going.