
My gals took me to a burlesque show in West Hollywood for my bachelorette party, and the there was sincerely the finest drag king I have ever seen hosting the show. That king would have been in serious trouble if I weren’t getting married a few days later, you know what I mean? Even my maid of honor was fanning

Fuck that, I will cough up the cash to go to a groomer. My big orange tabby would shred me if I tried bathing him.


Zucchini, Fennel, and Leek Soup. Begin by caramelizing a few shallots with garlic. Then saute equal parts chopped zucchini, leek, and fennel. Pour in the blender and add chicken stock and a few healthy splash of half-n-half. Blend until soup is at your desired texture. So good.

I’ve been commenting here since 2010 and I am still in the grays. =(

If I’m not mistaken, the sort of things that a teacher could do and which might result in a lawsuit are generally things that, as a teacher, you are required by law to report under penalty of felony charges if you fail to do so.

You make a fair point.

This. I am not a vegetarian, and don’t really plan to be. However, I have no issue whatsoever going without meat. I just straight up don’t care, as long as it’s food and it tastes good. I’d say my family goes without meat at least twice a week simply because I just don’t feel like going through the trouble of thawing

But how else can we senselessly harass Black Americans if not for The Weed? /sarcasm

I feel you. I really do. But it’s a slippery slope. As a union teacher, I shudder at the thought that my pension could be impacted if a fellow educator at my school did something worthy of a law suit. I’m not responsible for some other person’s shit behavior. I wish there was an easy solution. =/

This. I paid for my 2 bridesmaids (small wedding party) dresses and hair-dos because it’s my fucking wedding, and no one else should be responsible for purchasing things I’ve asked them to wear. I also gave them each a string of pearls with matching earrings as a gift, and which they both decided to wear with their

Oh fuck yourself.

This is delightful.

I am a former Conservative Jewish person (and currently a non-religious Agnostic), but I have a strong connection to my heritage, and having once worked for Orthodox Jews, I can fairly say that many of them are lovely people, but a good solid fraction are like any religious zealots: ignorant, arrogant, and hateful.

Depends mostly on skin tone in combination with hair color. For example, my mom has darker red hair with more of a yellow tone to her skin and she looks great in light pink. I have strawberry-orange hair with pink tones to my skin and light pink looks terrible on me. I can pull of more saturated deep pinks and

I cannot do regular soda with the exception of good quality root beers. It just too damn sweet and has this awful taste. I would gladly drink warm water over ice cold regular Coke. Cannot do it. Even Coke Zero is disgusting because it tastes like regular coke.

As a young hypochondriac, this film fucked me up so bad for a while.

Sometimes I play Coldplay’s “The Scientist” on repeat and, unless I’m having a really bad night, it usually helps me sleep.

But this is the ORIGINAL book - TKMB was the cleaned up version that the publisher wanted to see.