
“Don’t be an asshole” has always been my life motto.

Bravo on your gif game!

I am so fucking excited, I ran out to the yard to tell my husband. We watched the show all the way through, loving it, hating it. But I fell in love with the music they wrote for Bombshell, and listen to the CD often. This cannot happen sooner. May the gods favor me and bring the preview to Los Angeles.


Some of us like a saucier pizza.

I swear to god, if I encounter one more person comparing Dolezal to the transgender community, I’m going to punch the world.

just disappointing after waiting five seasons to see her, felt like a bit of a cop out

It’s delicious, right?

A significant fraction? Perhaps. But really, there’s so much more that can produce low libido than depression. Like birth control or menopause as I previously stated. About one third or more of American women take birth control that has been shown to kill libido over time. That is I feel a vastly more significant

I think not wanting to have intercourse probably indicates depression.

You will love it, I promise. Oh, and I forgot: remember to add salt and pepper, maybe a little olive oil if you like.

I love cabbage. Boiled, roasted, sautéed, whatever, bring it on. One of my fave summer recipes is for Armenian Cole Slaw. Shredded cabbage, chopped mint, fresh grated garlic, and the juice of a whole lemon. Let that sit overnight and enjoy the next day. Soooo good and fresh tasting.

Best cole slaw recipe I have ever ever had is for Armenian Cole Slaw. Shredded cabbage, chopped mint, fresh grated garlic, and the juice of a whole lemon. Let that sit overnight and enjoy the next day. It is like crack I tell you. I can easily eat several bowls of it on a hit summer day.

Indeed she is. Indeed she is.

I remember being a little white redheaded child and wanting, needing, this iceskating Barbie. I thought the black doll was prettier, and she had a blue dress, so I wanted her. It was too high up on the shelf at the toy store to reach myself, so I asked a lady who worked there to help me. She straight up asked me if I

Ashley Olsen was in my sophomore year Spanish class at NYU. She registered a week after classes began and didn’t have the textbook for the first week of classes. As a Los Angles native and child actor, I am not phased by celebs. They’re people too. Anyway, I had worked ahead and didn’t need my book, so I offered to

Surrender all ye to Buttercup!

Same here. I don’t even remember making it past the second chapter before throwing in the towel because I was so disgusted with how racist and sexist it was. We were told to read the book without any meaningful context or objective. It was terrible. This is why as an adult I was determined to teach HoD with a purpose.