Yeah, delete those.
Yeah, delete those.
I seriously read "Thanks, Lindy!" in Tina's voice.
They area terrible band, but that was some righteous coolness right there.
I think linking history to texts is super important. And I love that you intend to link novels to the geography.
Not all of the underworld was unpleasant and gloomy, just sort of meh for average people. You existed but had no real influence on anything. Only those truly wicked were punished and only those truly heroic were honored. As for Persephone, yeah, it was a dick move. And by no means am I trying to be an apologist, but…
Do you teach social studies exclusively or do you teach a cross English/History Humanities class? Either way, sounds like you're really making your kids think.
As for Rick Riordan... I have so many feelings. The first Percy Jackson movie came out when I was a first year teacher at this teensy private school. As a reward for good behavior (this was a school for kids with learning and behavior concerns) and finishing their mythology unit, I convinced the principal to let me…
Also, your admin must love you for all this primary resource-common core stuff you got going with your Pocahontas unit. =)
Nice! I remember being the little smarty pants who would piss off her friends when watching Pocahontas by reminding them it was all bullshit.
I love your feral child connection to the text. When I used to teach 12th grade English and we read Frankenstein, I would assign my students a research paper. One of their topic…
I probably would have head-desked it if my kids responded "Hades" to that question. Your tirade was well deserved. Fun idea using Oh Brother Where Art Thou? with the students. I use the Odyssey as a closer to mythology and an opener to archetypes. We identify the steps of the archetypal hero's journey with the…
Every time I get to teaching Ancient Greek Mythology to my 9th graders, I always go on a long, probably amusing, tirade about how Hades is not Hell and Hades is not Satan, and Disney is to blame for everything wrong with their understanding of Hellenistic mythological canon.
The big problem for Glendora is that without that juicy LADWP rebate it's really friggin' expensive to xeniscape. Now I do live in LA and thus am serviced by LADWP, but for example, to have my 2600 square feet of front and back yard xeniscaped by an actual landcaping professional would run me close to $4000. So if you…
If you're in LA. look up Turf Terminators. We're considering hiring them after they came by and did a consultation yesterday. Basically they apply for the rebate for you, you sign over your rebate to them, and they do all the landscaping and work necessary to remove the grass and replace it with river rocks and…
Glendora has its own water dept. so they may not be offering the same rebate at LADWP.
Interesting. I shall have to look into this. Thanks.
And I like succulents too. I had them incorporated into my wedding flowers some years back.
How do you find the weed upkeep? I know the landscapers lay down weed cloth under the 2-3" of river rock, but I'm still concerned I'm going to be weeding my patch of rocks often.
And this shit is why my husband and I are applying for a rebate from LADWP to remove all our grass lawn and replace it with river rocks and succulents. Our lawn is so brown and ugly since we had to cut back on water, and we let our vegetable garden die completely. We pretty much only water our fruit trees now and we…
Kirkland brand stuff is great. Really no big difference from the name brand.
Um, no, by my own admission I said more money needs to be spent on teachers and resources, not just thrown in arbitrary locations.
As for how to assess a teacher, I could write an entire graduate term paper on this issue, but I sense you wouldn't really read it critically as you seemed not to do so for my last…