
Look, LA spent money on fucking iPads. You know what it didn't spend money on? The hiring and rehiring of excellent teachers. THATs the real issue. What money schools do get are often dog eared for things that are no where near as valuable as more experienced teachers and smaller class sizes. Furthermore, giving money

Obvious troll is obvious.

Dear Kate Bosworth,

The comments for this video are atrocious. People can be so damn vicious when they can hide behind a wall of anonymity.

This crap is why I'm utterly terrified to post any of my stand up on youtube.

This law is such a terrifyingly slippery slope.

I definitely know these feels.

Michelle Branch background soundtrack forever!

I haven't revisited seasons 6 & 7 since I was a senior in high school. Perhaps I should give it another try. I remember there being some really complex adult themes that may have been a bit beyond me at the time. Still, I just love the ending of season 5. That epitaph on her grave was just so perfect and poignant:

Truth be told, you're most likely a bit dehydrated, especially since you are fasting AND running. Often when we gain or drop large amounts of weight in a very short span of time without taking Biggest Loser level extreme measures, it means we're losing/gaining mostly water. I know that you're not supposed to drink

Still totally the best. There are so many favorites to choose... I like Hush, Bandy Candy, Passion, Fool for Love, and the Season 5 Finale for being the perfect ending to the show. It really should have stopped there, even though there were some great moments in seasons 6 & 7.

Was a lucky man, sadly. RIP Anne Bancroft.

But part of one's financial compensation for working is health ensurance. For all intents and purposes, employment based health insurance is my "money". You don't get to give me financial compensation of any kind and then tell me what I can and cannot do with it.

I've met him in person! He's very handsome and cleans up real nice in a suit. He is much shorter in person than you'd imagine, though.


I think I threw up in my mouth a little.

I've gotten a few odd ones recently, but this one seemed particularly weird. I was pushing my shopping cat back into the recepticle area when a young man shouted at me from behind, "Hey, Red!" (I have red hair), "I'm interested. In you. You know...like. Sexually." I turned around. "Wanna go on a date?" I gave him an

I think it looks pretty fab. Sounds like the brand you work for sucks.

Are you freaking kidding me? This is the most absurd nonesense I have ever heard. If my teachers and counselors weren't allowed to slather my pasty freckled skin with sunscreen as a kid, I'd be a red leather handbag by now. Or, you know, a skin cancer patient.

No, no, no. I am not comfortable with any of this. Leave my favorite childhood movie alone! It was already nominated for an Oscar, just let it be.