
I may not know them, but I know right from wrong, and no matter how good an educator or friend he may have been to you, he still did something inexcusable. I'm sure it is difficult to grapple with this, and I am sorry for whatever turmoil you may be experiencing. But nothing makes sleeping with a child under your

Good. I hope he suffered. Victimizing anyone when you are in a position of authorty is inexcusable. I'm sorry you or anyone else had to suffer at his hands.

You make an interesting point. You are right in that using authority as a ticket to sex is morally wrong, hands down. But I find it difficult to agree that it isn't perverted, or whatever you want to call it, when an adult in a position of authority uses that authority to extort sexual favors from a child (even if

These students may look young because they are likely a freshman class, but I have absolutely no doubt (due to the class size, set up, and the fact that they call their instructor professor) that this is a college classroom.

This is not a High School prank, it's college. The video clearly states that their professor has this policy. I teach HS, and sure as heck no one calls me professor.

That is pretty hilarious, I have to say.

But even a crush is a type of admiration, so I would still say they look up to us. Even if they don't know it, they are looking at us as examples of adult life and behavior. And a good adult does not prey on children, no matter how "grown up" they may seem in their teenage years.

Unfortunately, you are right.

I am. Would you care to check my wall of thank you notes, drawings, poems, and pictures that students have given me over the years because they like and respect me? Also, capital letters can be your friend.

Yeah, because that was really the point of my comment. Way to read between the lines.

Yeah, because that was really the point of my comment. Way to read between the lines.

Point taken. I had crushes on teachers when I was a kid too. But nevertheless, teachers are well aware of our influence over kids for good or for evil, and to use it for evil is just sickening

As a high school teacher, this makes me sick to my stomach. Those kids depend on us, look up to us. How someone could betray that for their own sexual perversions makes me ill.

Why does this article make it seem as though the poor poor cronut makers were victims or circumstance? It was a SEVERE mouse infestation. Not one mouse nibbling on crumbs in the basement, but SEVERE amounts of mice. This is unacceptable for any food service, let alone one as popular as this one. In order to have a

At my old school all the teachers had a cubby on the lounge where we got memos, letters, pamphlets for educational events, etc. There was one fellow teacher I could not freaking stand because she was such a self important special little snowflake princess. So every time I got anything unimportant in my box, I just put

This this this!

Crazy troll is clearly crazy. Enjoy your nonsensical discussion with yourelf.

First of all, not Goyim, I'm a Jew. Second of all, not sure what that has to do with you being wrong.

Do your research. For the Hasbro Star Wars Black series, this is the only version of Leia available.

I went to and teach public school. And no, I haven't always had air conditioning or heat during winter for that matter. You can wear what you want, but not in my class.