
Because it is impossible for you to wear anything other than a tank and short shorts to be cool and comfortable in an air conditioned classroom? Look, school is training for work. You can't wear whatever the hell you like to work unless you work for yourself. So the fact of the matter is, dressing professionally and

Are you me? Redheaded teacher here too!

Loved that book. I tore through it in two days. Don't worry, she'll be done soon.

Because it's sadly not about the kids, it's about parents needing to dump their kids off somewhere so they can be at work by 8:30 or 9am.

You should get all the stars today. There should be hate crime laws connected to the murders of abortion providers (speaking from ignorance: maybe there is already?).

I'm sorry for your medical troubles, but your personal anecdotal evidence is not valid for the entire world.

I like you. That is all.

It's like I don't know what to believe anymore, man!

Antibiotic overuse and overperscription is problematic to both personal and global health. There is no debate form me on that point. But to say that all antibiotic us is evil is so very narrow minded I don't even know where to start. Should we really go back to the days when getting a bad cut on your finger could

Way to break my heart.

That little girl shares a name with my cat.

You get all the stars today. Thank you for throwing some sound scientific reason into this discussion.

I fully expected to despise every second of this trailer. But…God help me they may be on to something here.

This. Exactly this. I admired how very clear, direct, and articulate she was. She's quite a speaker.

Rats! They don't have anything in aubern or really anything on the ginger spectrum. Hmm. I suppose the same theory could be applied with women's hair dye or that root touch up stuff?

I think you may have just changed my life.

I've had Ikea bed frames before. My biggest issue with them is that they are very low to the ground and most models are just supported by wooden slats. But they are fairly sturdy. I had mine for about 3 years and it was still in good condition when I sold it before I moved across the country.

I'm jealous. I wish I could nap. Well, I can physically nap. But it makes me feel so weird when I have to wake up. I basically feel really drunk. If I want to "nap", I need to block out like a good 3 1/2 hours to sleep, wake, and to regain control of my faculties. But kitties make it worth it...

When I was 21, I saw a substitute for my GP, who was on vacation, for a pap. After asking me how many sexual partners I had had in my life (5) she began this huge lecture about how I should be more respectful of my body and treat it like a temple. I let too many people into my temple. I should be careful. I was

Am I the only teacher who thinks BO + Old Axe + New Axe = Cat pee smell?