


Fight Club was definitely a better movie than book. Coincidentally a Helena Bonham Carter film.

This is my big orange tabby, Monster. and his little tortie sister, Mayhem. They are the moodiest, laziest beasts in the world, and I love them.

As a child, my dad used to make up stories on the fly when tucking me into bed instead of reading from books. The stories always had something to do with what was currently going on in my wee little life. Sometimes he would ask me to fill in details mad lib style. I will always remember those stories. I will also

Ambrielle at JCPennies. Some of them have little holes in the bottom of the cup that let air in. Sooo nice.

How to introduce role-play into your relationship without it being weird? I love to act, and I love the idea of role play, but I'm not sure how to get the ball rolling with my hubby.

That is the type of creeper I hate even more than the verbal creepers. And you put it in words quote perfectly, "Staring into my soul." It's like they're burning a hole into your chest with their eyes. Like they want to fuck you and stab you at the same time. So freakin' disturbing, I hate it.

I'm redheaded and blue eyed with cool pink undertones and I love the smoky eye look, but I do it with browns. Start with a pale champagne shade in the inner corner, then blend a medium gold in the center of the lid, then blend a dark bronze into the outer corner. Top it off with some black or dark brown liquid

I'd throw this up at io9 too. Lots of folks into fantasy and fairytales in addition to sci fi.

I've been wanting to bring up the idea of historical role play sex (Antony & Cleopatra, pirate & kidnapped duchess, gangster & flapper, etc) with my husband, but not sure how to get the ball rolling. I'm an actress by nature and profession, and the idea really excites me. My man is a bit theatrical himself, but I'm

Jack Davenport. His voice is just spine tingling. I could listen to him read the phone book.

Romeo's language and behavior reads older teenager to me, maybe younger twenties. By his late twenties, considering how powerful the Montague family is, he would likely be married already.

We have a low fat french fry maker that uses 1tbs of oil and hot air to crisp up 2lbs of french fries. It is completely useless for anything else, but I can have french fries without feeling like crap later.

Snow crab legs were on sale for $5.99 a lb. So the hubby and I decided to splurge on $15 of crab. I made a corn, red pepper, and cilantro salad and some sautéed zucchini to go with it. We also shared a handful of homemade chocolate covered pretzels for dessert.

Season 2 deals with abortion a little in the sense that one of the main characters, who is wrongfully imprisoned an an insane asylum, is raped and impregnated by a serial killer. She tries to perform a self abortion and fails, and is forced by the nun in charge of the asylum to carry the baby to term.

These are my babies, Monster (orange) and Mayhem (black). I feel like this cries out for the caption, "We are not amused."

See, I'm the exact opposite. I cannot sleep in a bra. Fuck sagging yo, my ladies need to breathe. But I loathe going to bed without panties. When I sleep on my stomach the sheets dip into my butt crack and I cannot stand it!

Sun burn as far as the eye can see.

Sounds like your folks went a little overboard. But there's nothing wrong with telling your child, "I have no illusions about your sexuality and that you are growing up. I trust you to make smart safe decisions. In order to help you make smart and safe decisions, know that you can come to me for anything, but I know