Happy about this decision, but COME ON guys! Monumentous is NOT a word. Monumental or momentous, pick one. Seriously, who the hell edits these things?
Go get 'em, girl! Shop for the body you have and buy things that make you feel gorgeous. Have fun shopping!
For our honeymoon in Maui, my husband begged me to get a two piece. I shopped for weeks trying to find a bikini top that could fit and support a 36DDD and not cost an arm and a leg. Then finding a high waisted bottom I could feel remotely comfortable in was another feat. I would only wear my bikini at night to the hot…
I totally agree. I'm a 12/14, and my body is fairly in proportion (though I could really do without this darn apple belly) but I have this double chin that never goes away, no matter how much weight I've lost, and it always makes me feel heavy. Even when I was at my thinnest it was always there. I have embraced my…
That article made me feel good about humanity today. I am not familiar with his career, but he seems like a genuine man who is also smart and heartfelt.
I used to get through a novel every 2-3 days when I lived in NYC and was taking a 45+ minute subway ride to and from work every day. Now that I live in LA and spend the exact same amount of time in a car I have to drive, I barely get any chance to read.
I so identify with this. I remember when I was little and this ice skating Barbie came out, and I thought that the Black Barbie was so much prettier than the regular Barbie, plus she had a cooler outfit. I was in the toy store with my mom and a store attendant was helping us get the doll from a high shelf. She got me…
Here, here!
That's insightful input I hadn't considered. Nevertheless, their use of shaming and woman-objectifcation to advertise still makes me uncomfortable.
That's a fair enough point.
I hear you, I do. I have experienced the same myself, but isn't it possible that by giving non-Jews access to our holidays such as Purim, it might open the eyes of some of these anti-semetics?
PETA is a double edged sword for me. In many ways they are a strong voice for animal welfare that is important to be heard. Without PETA many injustices towards animals would remain in the shadows. At the same time they are incredibly hypocritical nutbags who euthanize more animals than they rescue and use the…
Um, except for the part where it is commanded by god that you get so drunk on Purim that you can't tell the different between Hamon and Esther. So if everyone wanted to start wearing costume sand getting wasted on Purim, I think we Jews would be pretty okay with that.
Why do veggies have to be bitter or bland? Veggies can be prepared in a huge variety of ways that are salty, sweet, spicy, umami, etc. Bitter and bland is steamed and canned plain veggies. Exciting and yummy is broccoli with cheese, cauliflower stewed in tomatoes and curry, salty crunchy kale chips, green beans with…
Kids' tastebuds grow and develop as they are introduced to new tastes. Simply catering to one flavor profile is ridiculous. A good start might be maybe finding veggies that are less bitter in nature and slowly adding in veggies of a different nature.
Eating fresh and well doesn't have to be expensive if you look for bargains, buy off-brand, and get creative. Also, a little backyard or window box garden can do wonders for very little cost.
I feel sorry for your sister. I simply don't understand that level of catering to children's palates. If they don't want to eat it and can't/won't heat up a can of soup or a make a bowl of cereal, then they can go to bed hungry. I went to bed hungry once or twice in my childhood, and it damn well made me appreciate…
While I am not vegan, nor am I a big fan of veganism for certain dietary and personal reasons, everyone has the right to eat however the fuck they want without judgement. So screw the haters and keep on keeping on, RayFay.
I have two beautiful mink stoles from my grandmother that I have never worn except on stage as costume pieces. I would feel pretty conflicted about wearing them for fashion or fun. But that said, I don't think I could bring myself to donate them to the Humane Society either as my grandmother has passed and she wore…