
For me, dress codes at school that prohibit revealing clothing is about professionalism. School is career training; it is a student's "job" for all intents and purposes, and students should be expected to wear appropriate working attire. If I come to work in dark denim and a nice blouse that covers my cleavage, and my

As an educator, I agree with most of this. For me, dress code is about professionalism. School is career training; it is a student's "job" for all intents and purposes, and students should be expected to wear appropriate working attire. If I come to work in dark denim and a nice blouse that covers my tits, and my male


This would never happen. Who would deny men their penis enhancing awesome drug? Women and their whore pills should quit complaining!

This. I want to be a part of this.

Can't teach a dumb trill new tricks.

But your argument makes no sense in this context. Regardless of how strongly a person is sexually attracted to another it should have no bearing on the observers choice to behave inappropriately. It's as though you are arguing that men should never be held to the concept of "think before you speak" when a hot woman is

So only people who can afford birth control should be allowed to have sex? Are you serious? Not only is that incredibly discriminatory, but it is completely contrary to human nature.

That may be so, but my biggest issue with her singing is that she tries too damn hard. When performing live, she loses any sense of a song's dynamics because she's singing so loud and so hard from start to finish.

I have a student who apologizes for absolutely everything. She is so sweet, but any time she stops by after school for help (she's an English learner) she apologizes profusely for taking up my time, or worst of all, for not understanding something. It breaks my heart that she feels like she has to apologize for

I met several online friends when I was a teenager. We were all Pirates of Caribbean fanfic writers and had all been reviewing one another's stories and having threaded discussions for over a year, and someone finally suggested a get together when one of the ships from the film made an appearance at a local port. I

I recall being about 200 lbs and going to a new GYN in my new town I had just moved to. The first thing she said to me was that I should lose weight because heavy people look so much older. I have such a pretty face, why age it? I remember thinking, WTF. I never went back to her practice.

I find your choice of words ("accommodate") to be rather off-putting. You make it sound as if clothing the plus sized is an onerous obligation that is a burden to all "regular" sized people. And you furthermore seem to suggest that by making functional, attractive plus size clothes available more people will be

LAUSD pays over 12 months? When you think about it, it is actually better for teachers because there is no two month dry spell during summer. That said, there is no freaking way that withholding summer pay if you are laid off is legal. Contact your local union rep. I seriously find that hard to swallow. And if it is

They may be turning MA folks away when it comes to hiring, but CA state law is that you have 5 years from getting your initial teaching credential to get your masters, or they take your credential away. True story. So the fact of the matter is, they may hire only BA teachers for now, but come 5 years, they will have a

"Is it worth it, teachers of the United States? Is the light bulb flashing over the head of a kid...reward enough for your labors...?"

Well said.

I love my ring too. So much simpler than pills. I would invariably always forget one throughout the month, the ring is so awesomely "set it and forget it." The only bad thing is that my hubs says it feels weird during sex, so I have to be SUPER diligent to put it back in right after sex. I have forgotten it on the

Seconded. She is just awful. I mean truly, truly awful. I love Baz Lurhmann's Romeo and Juliet and she just freaking ruins every scene she's in!

Mr. Rayrays and I have pretty much agreed to the exact same thing.