
Weight Watchers is the easiest and move effective weight loss program I have ever encountered. Everything is simply stated, there's a large support network, and lots of information to peruse. It's a lifestyle that can be maintained and yet not feel like you're "on a diet" forever. Before starting WW, I asked my doctor

While I agree with you that a size 12 will look different on a person based on height and build, it seems most people's qualm is that the term "plus size" seems to more encapsulate the idea of a woman who is heavy set and beautiful, someone who in addition to curves may have some actual jiggle to their wiggle. Though

I find it really annoying when an item doesn't actually contain as many servings as it says it does. I have measured out cans of coup with measuring cups and found that often 2 and a half servings is just barely 2 servings. So is the whole can of soup really twice the calories listed per serving, or are those two

And who needs toast PLUS cereal? That is way too many carbs in the morning unless you're a freaking track runner.

Lean Cuisines are terribly portioned for the amount of calories and other nutrition. I can have 1 lean cuisine pasta dish which is about 1cup of food for 240 some odd calories and 4 grams of fat. Or I can have a full cup of whole wheat pasta, 2/3c cup of veggies, and 1/2c marinara for about the same calories and with

Why am I the last person to know about this? He is so beautiful, he actually makes me give a damn about Superman.

That is EXACTLY what I thought too.

You know, I never really thought about it that way, but you make some excellent points. Regardless of that, though, I have always wanted to throw a drink in some jerk's face.

This garbage and Valentine's Day just take a gigantic dump on everything that was good and awesome and beautiful about Love Actually.

Several bones to pick:

I love the calorie counts. I mean, most of the food with high fat and calories I probably wouldn't have ordered with or without the displayed count, as I'm pretty well aware of what general food preparation styles are healthier than others. Still, I think making people aware of what they are consuming is a positive

This is pretty much the dumbest shit I have ever heard.

Or how about, "The empty dishwasher is right there. Why are there dirty dishes clogging up the sink?"

I hatethat. Especially when I am being perfectly reasonable and in no way hysterical, being told to calm down makes me so effing mad! I will often respond to that by saying, "No. You know what makes me not calm? Being told to calm down for no damn reason!"

That makes me sad beyond belief.

They missed one very important fight trope:

Very interesting. Perhaps the Observers are all time/space rift anomalies that must in a sense leave the context of reality and sustain order so that no more time/space anomalies occur?

Am I the only one that didn't hear a thing anyone was talking about after David Tennant took his shirt off? I mean, Christ on a biscuit, he has butt dimples. I'll be in my bunk.

#2 and #6 are awesome!

"If they could create a shot for male birth control, I think that would be a gold mine."