
To do justice to Poe, you have to honor what Poe was

Speaking of bills, it really irritates me when I'm treating Mr. RayRayS to a nice dinner out, and I ask for the check and the server hands the bill to him. WTF? It also irritates me when we're out furniture or other large ticket item shopping and the male sale associate hears all my questions and directs all answers

I'm up to my eyeballs in baby debt apparently. I don't know how my fiance's going to feel about all these babies owed to other men in my past.

I say, whoever asked whom out pays for the date. If you ask me out, you pay for the date. I will likely offer to contribute, but it is classy to decline my offer. If I ask you out, I will pay for the date, etc and so on.

He was always grizzled and sexy. He's like a fine wine, and just gets better with age. Mmmm.

He is rather handsome, isn't he?

I thank my lucky stars every day that my soon to be Parents-in-Law (3 weeks til our wedding) raised my fiance to be such a wonderfully rounded young man. He loves musical theater, has an appreciation for fashion, gets along with all my girlfriends, gardens and cooks. And he also loves playing videogames, baseball,

Excellent point.

I agree. You just know that there are complete creepazoids out there whacking it to this video. These poor girls are being broadcast to the entire world! Absolutely disgusting.

This is so unbelievably inappropriate, I don't even know where the start. This video made me so uncomfortable, I couldn't even make it all the way through. I feel like I need to go take a really really hot shower with a steel wool loofa to wash the perv away. The makeup, the hair, the wardrobe, all of it just screams

THIS is how we should be teaching foreign languages to our students.

We need to start teaching foreign languages starting as soon as possible, in preschool even. Young children simply acquire languages with far more ease than high school age kids. The fact that most students in the US don't begin learning a second language until their teens is so out of line with modern language


Oh well, now that we got that straight, I'm sure pregnant women everywhere are happy you gave permission.

These are really cool. I wish I had an ultramodern style kitchen to hang this awesome artwork in.

She's not saying that pregnant woman should quit food, she's simply pointing out that choosing to eat indiscriminately is neither healthy for mother or baby, and that using pregnancy as an excuse for overindulgence isn't really the way to go. No one said a pregnant woman can't have some cheesecake every now and then

Exactly where in this article does the author describe these so-called healthy, well-balanced meals? All I see are lasagna, Burger King, full fat cheese cubes and pepperoni. The only remotely healthy things I read were pickled okra and lentils with goat meat. So, um, no wonder she "pulled a deuce." Growing babies need

Agreed. My vagina and I feel slighted.

That is a fair point. It isn't necessarily more realistic, but it would sure as hell be a lot more interesting than another Knocked Up Teen Style movie/show/

SO excited for October!