For some reason I keep forgetting about this game and then I'll see something new about it and be like "Oh yeah this is gonna be awesome!" and get a little more excited about it only to have it fade from my memory till the next little piece of news.
For some reason I keep forgetting about this game and then I'll see something new about it and be like "Oh yeah this is gonna be awesome!" and get a little more excited about it only to have it fade from my memory till the next little piece of news.
1. This game is weird without music and sound effects.
Wait are those graphs like...real? Cause if so I know a lot theres gonna be a lot of angry conservatives over the gun availability/gun violence one.
Thought the exact same thing XD
Really? Seriously people? It was silly and added to her character, it wasn't making fun of or putting down anyone.
That's a play style called Nuzlocke challenge. Whenever a Pokemon faints you release it so you can never use it again. I've never done one but from what I've heard and read it makes the game about 100x more intense.
Whoa wait what? Really??? So soon!? Man I was not expecting this for at least another couple of months...maybe a year or so o_o
My reaction when I first saw this in theaters.
Man I'm super pumped for this game but it just needs more characters! I saw Hawkgirl in this and what looks an alt costume for Nightwing but come on Netherrealm! Lets get more characters and costumes into this thing! There can never be to many for me!
Aaaahhh haha looks like another character leaked XD
Typhlosion but also Cyndaquil and Quiliava for family sake! Also Dragonite has always been awesome to me too.
Hopefully that's the next series Kotaku does since it has tons of games in it as well :D!
For me it was Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Firered, Emerald, Diamond, Platinum, Heartgold, White, Black 2. Basically my decision is usually just based on A: Who's on the cover and B: Do I like that color, the exception being Gold which I actually liked Silver better but the Gamestop didn't have it when I went to buy it…
Hmmm interesting list I definitely agree with Gen II as number one but to me personally Gen IV should be higher up. Something about the added online play and the new Pokemon introduced in IV just made me play it non-stop, more than any other generation before or after so far. Plus, gen II remakes! My personal list:
Oh yeah I absolutely love the Mass Effect galaxy map music! It's so calm and cool yet still kinda exciting, it really sets the tone of being a space commander on your own ship for me.
It's getting rave reviews and from what I've read its awesome.
Pretty much but it's a little more crazy then that. How he kills Lois and Supermans reaction are pretty intense.
I read gold sided pages and thought like, real gold pages for a second there XD
Oh yeah I see. From my google search it seems the only difference is that it has a super fancy cover right? As long as it doesn't include any extra stuff then I'm still ok with my regular version pre-order XD
Wait what there was a Legendary Edition (I'm guessing that's what LE stands for) of the Hyrule Historia!?