
Posting my opinion is trolling? Just because I'm not exactly jumping on the side of the muscian makes me a troll?

Hmmm I didn't catch that part. Well that is kinda shitty of them, but I dunno...I still don't really like either side :/

I think it's a little different with music. I love covers and have tons of covers of songs on my ipod, some of which are similar to each other. Does that mean they're all rip offs?

Ok I've been following this and I'm kinda in between on how I feel about it. Yeah I get he's pissed that they copied his cover but I mean...just cause the copied his versions style doesn't mean its a blatant rip-off, but then they sound the same and yadda yadda yadda so I've just been kinda meh about it. But this?

I was gonna say if Sid Meirers Pirates! wasn't on this list there was gonna be geek rage XD

Wait so now all the characters can fall in love making me feel even worse when someone dies in combat and causing me more stress while playing? Thanks Nintendo!

The class system in Fire Emblem has always been one of my favorite aspects of the series so I'm glad to see old favorites return as well as some new ones.

Furries freaking suck.

Oh god I sooooo aprove of this article XD

Same. I swear if it doesn't come out till like November/December I'm gonna be pissed.

Funny cause just the other day I was thinking about Neopets and wondering if my account was still there after all these years XD

Sssshh don't say that! The crazy people will come for you!

Honestly, I don't either I couldn't come up with anything specific there off the top of my head plus if I did I probably would've offended someone (oh no!) I just meant like, a lot of things that the LGBT community supports and has in it I kinda go "Ok really people?" I guess if you want specifics I mean


Oh man, this is my favorite dicky comment yet. Thank you!

It's kinda funny though cause if they had a problem with my little comment there I can only imagine the response I'd get if I posted my full blown out opinion on guns XD

It'll be the most fabulous planet EVER

*googles banal*

That's kinda what I was getting out in my comment, but people kinda misconstrued that.

Whhhhoooaaaa ok. Well one I never want to handle a firearm, there is nothing appealing at all to me about guns. Two, I was saying how its kinda funny that the safety tip uses the word safe but doesn't really explain it.