
"Gun Safety tip #5

What two terms?

Some LGBT folk aren't even accepting of other LGBT folk. I've encountered more rudeness and judgement from other homosexual people than I have from some heterosexual people simply because I don't fit a lot of gay man stereotypes and don't share the same views on "openness and gender fluidity" and other technical crap.


I thought it was a pretty funny idea XD

Hey if it's just like last years Lego Batman 2 just with Marvel characters then I'm sold.

Hey if it's just like last years Lego Batman 2 just with Marvel characters then I'm sold.

Hey if it's just like last years Lego Batman 2 just with Marvel characters then I'm sold.

Hey if it's just like last years Lego Batman 2 just with Marvel characters then I'm sold.

Hey if it's just like last years Lego Batman 2 just with Marvel characters then I'm sold.

It was insane, I woke up ans saw the announcement a few hours after it went out and got super excited. Then went to check my FA and stuff and BAM Gen VI art EVERYWHERE! It hadn't even been a full 4 hours and people were already rolling out the fan art! The next day I go on the Pokemon redditt and theres already

I should probably read this series sometime eventually maybe I dunno

Why does everyone say Action Comics #9 was great? It was boring as hell. The best issue was #13! Awesome story, re-introduced Krypto and even had a Zod reference! Plus the back up story was just as fantastic as the main story, both made me tear up a little!

My reaction to the announcement trailer

Well I mean...her dad was an expert pilot...her brothers an expert pilot...why not?

Only things I'm looking forward to on that list are Injustice: Gods Among Us and Deadpool. I guess Bioshock Infinite too, but I'm still on the fence about that one. I'm sure I'll pick up a few other titles though. Where's Animal Crossing: New Leaf? That supposed to come out next and thats the game I'm most excited

I love the fact that it took him a day. Freakin brilliant. First time I saw this I cracked up XD

Man I love that animation! But I read it took the dude/chick like, 17 hours or something crazy like that to do it.

Oh man that would be so awesome just driving around and then all of a sudden SUPERMAN!!!