
Wait what since when was Dawnguard considered bad? I remember it getting positive reviews and people saying it was cool and fun. Not perfect but still. Also Hearthfire seems fun to me but I can understand the disappointment behind that one.

I'm not trying to be rude or anything here, but I think the fact that you had to post this article explaining it all is just kinda...I dunno, fueling the fire I guess? If it really wasn't a big deal or anything then it shouldn't have an article rationalizing it. Yet it does, which dissuades me. But that's just me!

Mine too! But yeah, there's nothing relatedable to Eternal Sunshine here. Maybe Inception, I was thinking it was more What Dreams May Come.

Awwww that's so sweet! He's even reaching the flag at the end of the level cause it's the end. Gaaah so sad. So many fond childhood memories reading Nintendo Power. I still have about 10 years worth of magazines under my desk. It will be missed :c

How...was that anything like Eternal Sunshine?

Ok well heres what I think:


I was just adding to the things bad with ACIII. No argument intended.

Oh man this is exactly how I feel! Its nice seeing someone else out their not saying its the best one yet.

You forgot horrible story

These are waaaayyyy to funny XD It needs to go back up in the app store NOW!

Ahahahahahaha oh god why XD

Wait is he named Anakin...cause Anakin gets his legs cut off o_o

Ah damn :/ I really need some to get alternate outfits for all my characters and some new heroes. Uggh the thought of spending money on facebook credits makes me cringe though XD


I was gonna say how can they get away with that but then I remembered that dumb Marvel game on facebook I play does the same thing XD

Yeah ok I guess I'll throw my opinion here because why the hell not.


Do they seriously charge that much o_o?

I kinda feel like all the parts where you refer to Shepard as a she should say he/she or something. I mean I understand it was your game file and stuff but I dunno, I guess its not a huge deal.