If thats seriously who the Superior Spider-Man is I'm done. Who ever gave Slott the approval to do this needs to be fired.
If thats seriously who the Superior Spider-Man is I'm done. Who ever gave Slott the approval to do this needs to be fired.
Oh man can this please be the offical tagline for the season cause that would be awesome XD!!!
I thought the same thing when I read that so thank you for being at least one other person not being extreme to one side or the other.
Oh awesome, its sweet I like it.
Whoa whats this from?
All I can really say is yup. Everything you said here is something I thought to my self while playing the game. I still like...but it's not the fantastical experience I thought it would be :/
Huh? I dont see these spoilers everyones talking about?
Yes, the combined the beginning of Uncharted 1 and that level from Uncharted 3 for this video.
Dude...we have to play this...like...HAVE TO O_O
Gaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh I need this game NOW D:
You say this like its a bad thing
Well the graphic novel looks kinda interesting, I don't really see how it connects to Zelda but ok.
Haha I love how everyone else did this as well XD I totally murdered everyone in the store and took everything which gave me a geat advantage end game wise and tons of money.
Actually yeah, I'm buying a Vita for this and Assassins Creed: Liberation's. Hopefully more games will come out for it though.
Well the whole game they talk about the 5 years in between but it be interesting to see it all unfold. Like Jacks take over, Roland making his rebel group, the fall of New Haven, etc etc
This.....actually looks pretty interesting. YAY MORE MONEY TO SPEND!