Long Live Video Games

You should know the reason why F2P doesn't off any advantages to people who buy things. People bitch and moan about competition and fairness.

You can't really complain because it was never released like Colonial Marines was.

Japanese turn based RPG's on PS1 = Grunge movement

How is Bethesda misleading gamers about Prey 2 when the game is still in development and is not ready to be announced and/or released?

Ubisoft shifted towards Assassin Creed games. It may be time for them to shift again.

Do you still run out of breathe after sprinting two feet?

Yay for Next Gen technology

1:40 The same can be said about Google Play and itunes.

Starcraft mmo mod wasn't amazing. They turned it into an outdated vanilla WoW. WoW engine is still an RTS engine.

Then you would understand Runic's development situation with porting Torchlight 2 to other PC platforms. Also, Crytek's next platform for Cryengine to run.

In the 80s and 90s, gamers wished consoles would be able to do more than just games.

Look at the PC platforms for EA, Ubisoft, and Activision for all of their games. Windows takes the crown. A lot of devs both AAA and indie will stick with one platform.

People demand traditional gaming to come back.

Windows versus Ubuntu.

Windows vs Ubuntu.

Closed system has more people buying games than an open system. People want free stuff on open platforms.

If its there at launch, consumers don't have to worry about buying it separately and devs won't have to worry about people not having it.

AAA games that are multiplatform depend on if the devs can make it for that system such as MAC, Linux, or specific home console. A lot of devs can only support one platform due to experience.

Cars have hardcore hydraulics. The spirit of the 90s gangster films live on. This would be perfect for San Andreas.

Lifebar or timer wouldn't help. The combat system would need changes to cater to new players. This would piss off the established fans like any other game that went through changes.