What is funny is that a lot of people think Xbox One will go the way of the dreamcast when it will do just fine with its fanbase. The PS3 had a lot of mistakes and is surviving longer.
What is funny is that a lot of people think Xbox One will go the way of the dreamcast when it will do just fine with its fanbase. The PS3 had a lot of mistakes and is surviving longer.
A boxed shape like ps1 and ps2.
Saint's Row needed something new for this release. Steam Workshop would work the best for mods. None of this download from random sites and go through trouble of putting the files in the right place. Ease of use is key.
Microsoft and Sony have to give the okay for mods. They own the platforms. Since Sony allowed UT3 mods, they are more likely to allow it.
Microsoft and Sony close off their platforms. Sony allowed it for UT3 but that doesn't mean it was open like the PC platform.
MOH taking on CoD is like Warhammer taking on War-/Starcraft. The newer, flashier stuff will always be accepted by most gamers.
True. BF2 MC gained more popularity than BF2 did on 3(?) different consoles. The series on PC was mentioned in gaming news but it was always played by a smaller crowd until bc2 came out.
Battlefield always had those non-simulator experiences you only witness in video games or action movies. Ex. standing on top of flying jets, dolphin diving, charge into a base from chopper, etc.
Treyarch and Activision are more greedy and they released mod tools for BO1.
Mod tools today should be more accessible to players than they were 10-15 years ago. The older mod tools were crap compared to today. There was no support back then.
The word from DICE is believable.
The truth is somebody does have to bring down the hammer and set forth a new path for the future of gaming.
Also, Japan was the only region to get a PSP game transfer for the PSP GO. The NA region never got that option.
Yea I am glad they keep track of stuff in games. There were some accomplishments or cool memories from past games.
Microsoft with the Xbox One is just acting like Sony did with the PS3. They have the mentality that they have the best in everything and consumers will always support them.
inb4 people saying they don't need achievements cause they are from the old school
Yay people love paying for two subscriptions on one device!
Microsoft makes the decision on the whole console.
Having Michael Bay is perfectly fine for a Ghost Recon film. Ghost Recon went all modern warfare with GRAW 1. Ubisoft never attempted to go back to the first one or the island Thunder game where there were no guns on screen and only a small bar for certain actions.
I don't blame Sony for adding the multiplayer fee on the PS4. I saw this coming after a lot of issues with the PS3. It makes sense that if you do anything bad with your console, be prepared to lose money on your account.