Haters gotta hate on awesome franchises.
Haters gotta hate on awesome franchises.
Yea it wasn't consistent like the prices you see today.
Greg Goodrich or Suda 51. Can't decide.
People like fictional advertisements over real advertisements.
The Sims were a console game. I don't remember if Sim City was ever one.
Donkey Kong Country = $80
There was an image on Reddit comparing Infinite and the first game in this situation.
2K would have jacked up the price if they won the competition.
Hopefully Besthesda could one day implement a Demon/Dark Souls combat system in an Elder Scrolls single player title.
People just wanted their money back. That is all.
Well, Madden is a "simulation" American football game. Unless you are referring to NFL Blitz or that one street football game.
You don't go to many grand opening restaurants and compare the prices, do you? They jack up the prices from low to high instead of staying consistent.
People just want their money back in this lawsuit.
Oh yes, because DH4 is just a damn option and DH2 is still available to play.
1 X game is announced for development, kickstart, and/or pre-purchase.
It IS a service. You save your campaign to the cloud. It helps for when your computer crashes, computer dies, OS of choice is reinstalled, etc. There are user-made errors to go alongside server or game errors.
The PS3 version could very well have exclusive content not found in Xbox and PC to warrant the exclusiveness.
Not really because Starcraft 2 is playable the whole way through without saving and the online modes. Also single player "only" games would need an online service as a requirement. It has to be a service such as co-op or competitive play.
The devs didn't do anything wrong here.
They could go the Starcraft 2 approach and make single player playable except saving.