Did this article feature mini game bowling and NOT feature Tekken Bowl?
Did this article feature mini game bowling and NOT feature Tekken Bowl?
Please stop defending him in any way shape or form. There are no mitigating circumstances with child molestation. He was a scumbag predator whose deeds rest solely on his own shoulders. Of course he had help-but no one was forcing him to destroy these boys’ lives.
Yep, this. I optimize as much of my time as is needed. Anything past that is mine to spend as uselessly and non-productively as possible. My brain is also anxiety-riddled, and being told that every waking moment should be about achievement makes me want to become an ostrich.
I actually really hate this. The idea that we need to be constantly optimizing our time can be really problematic in my experience. But that could just be my anxiety-disorder riddled brain.
Turn-based or go home!
Teenagers are, almost down to the individual level (I’m sure there are a few that are decent people), sociopathic shitbags.
When you combine their natural inability to engage in basic empathy for others with a political movement like the one that continues to support Trump, only awful things can result.
This is why I…
Jason Schreier: 3 for 3 on the big scoops in the past 2 weeks. He's on fire
I don’t blame him and I don’t mind. I don’t need to know how every entertainer feels about politics.
Easy answer key for you
I knew waiting 8 years would be worth it.
Should they stop using orcs, ogres, vampires, zombies, goblins, fairies, etc.? Religion is just another form of fantasy. To what extent is it OK to draw inspiration from a work of fiction? How do you even go about inventing something that wasn’t at least slightly inspired by something else? At this point in our…
I gotta give it up to RDR 2 skies, especially when a storm moves in. The lightning looks AMAZING.
I halfway expected the shot to pan out to reveal he's carving up a teenage boy.
So you called BS, got the receipts, and your response is to criticize his playthrough rather than eating the crow you clearly laid out for yourself?
I mean, damn.
What, seriously? Do you ACTUALLY think that Nintendo is the only company in the video game industry who cares about video games and the people who play them? (I mean, that statement is itself quite debatable, but I’m not getting into that here.) Just because Nintendo does one thing relatively well, you you think that…
Eeeeeeh... I mean, I love Nintendo, and I certainly love the Switch.
The world building and lore in the Dragon Age games is nuts and the connections with each game and the overall world was lovingly crafted. One of the best things about those games is just getting sucked into the world and reading, talking, seeing and trying to answer questions along the way. I hope Bioware can weather…
In the eyes of Kotaku, it is fundamentally irrelevant to note what platform a game comes out for until it’s time to hype its Switch release two years later.
I hate that you don’t make these new articles with each update. It renders commenting useless. Looking still comments from may when it’s an August update is blah. It only gets worse as time goes on. How about “best 8 games as of may 2017.... best 12 games as of August 2017" and so on and so forth. Will anyone ever…