Anyone else think it was stupid for them to kill him off so lamely after 5+ games?
Anyone else think it was stupid for them to kill him off so lamely after 5+ games?
I have to ask, did anyone else cry for 10 minutes, through the entire end credits, from the end of Episode 5? I just couldn't stop; even thinking about it now I'm getting a little misty eyed. I don't think a video game has ever done that to me before.
Why does it seem like the really nice versions of Consoles and Handhelds are only ever released in Japan? I had no intention of ever owning a 3DS until I saw this; I want one!
Jennifer Hale. Ever since I first played Tales of Symphonia, I've loved hearing her voice. From KoToR to Mass Effect, any chance I get to hear Jennifer Hale makes a game better.
Funny; I just spent the last few hours playing The Walking Dead: Episode 3, and as far as I knew, Steam was perfectly fine. Didn't see any kind of disconnect message, and it still seems to be connected fine now as well.
Higurashi reference, for the WIN!
Wow; I don't think I've ever seen something so awesome :) I wish I'd been a part of that!
I think Luminous looks better, in so far as their demo seemed to show more gameplay type actions. UE4 looks great and all, but it seems like it was mostly environmental things; will it still look as nice when there's a lot of gameplay going on in those environments?
I think any woman with long hair holding a gun is cool. Quistis in FFVIII, on the deck of a ship, using a turret. I almost cried from the beauty of it the first time I saw that cutscene, lol.
Capcom are just trolls. I looked it up; it's the same voice actress...
Wow... Well, RE2 did take place in 1998 after all, just strange how she grew up to look just like Ashley :S With a similar voice even, lol.
Am I the only one who liked that episode? How it ended was what made it great, sure, but it was like the whole episode was the build up to a great joke, and the last minute was an amazing punchline.
Maybe someone already noticed this, but this article refers to Sherry several times, and I thought that the person that was teamed up (in all the trailers and videos so far) with Jake was actually Ashley, from RE4.
Totally; this is one of the best songs from this game. No other song gets my blood pumping so fast; it's the one I associate with the most stressful parts of Shadow of the Colossus :)
On the PS3 Slim, it's an actual button, thankfully. I could never get those old slide ones to work properly.
In all honesty, I never use Tali. The only memorable moment I have of her is when she got drunk in ME3 :) "Emergency Induction Port!"
Wait... There's a male Shepard? When Femshep is voiced by Jennifer Hale, why would I play the male?
You know what I just realized? This isn't the first time a game developer has been pushed by the public to change the ending of a game; Mass Effect 3 is just more high-profile. You remember the 2008 Prince of Persia? A lot of people were pissed off about how that game ended, so Ubisoft released the Epilogue DLC to…
It sounds like Mr. Hamilton REALLY needs to watch the animé Highschool of the Dead. It's basically a story about a group of high school students, and how they survive, after the start of a zombie apocalypse. The opening credits will have you thinking the entire show is "fan service," but it's actually quite a…
I don't know if I did something different then Mr. Plunkett during my playthrough of Mass Effect 3, but when I got to the end, I don't even remember seeing any Renegade triggers, and *SPOILERS* I had Paragon options that, like at the end of the first game, cause the Illusive Man to shoot himself in the head like Saren…