I don't have a pic, but the Commander Sheppard that I've been playing through with since Mass Effect 1 was named Jennifer, after the voice actress Jennifer Hale that plays FemShep.
I don't have a pic, but the Commander Sheppard that I've been playing through with since Mass Effect 1 was named Jennifer, after the voice actress Jennifer Hale that plays FemShep.
Seriously; why does everyone hate Miranda? I really don't get it. Maybe it's because my main file is FemShep, but I always kind of liked Miranda. I really just don't get why so many people seem to hate her. Can someone please explain it to me?
You forgot Mommy Bags
Is there no way to delete a comment that was accidentally placed?
I still use Component cables for my XBOX 360, which is quite useful since my TV only has one HDMI port (for my PS3). Saves me from having to mess around with the cables all the time.
I work in fast fool; real people do complain like that...
@★☆★ Waka ★☆★: "Say Apple"
Yay! Robot Scorpions!
@bigdontheviking: So, you understood what that comment was about too? And I thought I was the only one!
The more you know! (is there an ASCII version of a shooting star?)
@Cobaltios: Actually, between Parasite Eve 1 and 2, she begins to age backwards because of the events of the first game; not indefinitely, just to a more fit age. So, she should look about the same age in 3rd Birthday as she did in Parasite Eve 2, regardless of how much time has passed.
@Makoforte: Well, it's not like Cocoon blew up or anything, it just kind of...... landed?
@FruitoftheGloom: HELL YEAH!!!!
@Leyviur: The World End With You was good and new, and was quite different from a lot of their other recent works. I don't know if there's a reason for that or not, but it is probably the best game they released since Final Fantasy IX as far as my tastes go.
@eternalbl: I'm in Newfoundland, Canada, and I still get an error every time I try to change my password, which it's telling me is required to do. I checked the Playstation website, and they say error code 80710D36 doesn't exist, and changing my password online doesn't work either since it just gives a 'site…
@Taggart6: Indeed
@Firescorpio1: That's Flemeth, not a Qunari...
@BONERJAM: "Cannot act?" Have you seen .45?
@sits: EXACTLY! Most of the people who seem to hate the movies fail to understand that they are meant to be 'popcorn movies.' Just some nice action and flashing to entertain on a more basic level. I'm not saying I don't enjoy a cerebral movie too, but I enjoy an action movie for what it is. And did no one else…
@Gizmark: I like both the games, and the movies. I never expected the games to BE the movies though.