
You can.

Established flash guideline:

In Norway, healthy bread costs about half of american bread. Healthy bread is whole wheat (little carbohydrates, much fiber), while american bread is carbohydrates (processed wheat, no fiber) with added carbohydrate (processed syrup or sugar).


Can someone explain the americans’ need to not see the road?

It’s like having a keg at a toddler’s birthday party.

You know you can just pull those knobs off, right?

Gifts on Ellen and Oprah and all the other TV shows are taxed. Even without car-DLC, you still have to pay for your “gifts”.

Don’t sniff a lit lighter.

Paimon isn’t a translator of any kind. The character is just there to pad timewaste.

Now playing

It wouldn’t be so bad, if the character stories weren’t one hour of mindless talking. It’s not one hour gameplay, it’s one hour of seemingly endless talking. You get maybe one fight that lasts less than 5 minutes. And that’s with spamming X (or whatever button you use to skip dialogue).

What do you mean the Silent Hill 2 remake is based on Silent Hill 2?

I just wish they’d create an actual reason to explore planets.

So it’s a french hotdog?

Bob’s Burgers isn’t a food show.

Yet you said you think the developer made a mistake when they put the difficulty setting in a game because you don’t want it there. That they didn’t do their jobs right.

You do know “green chili” isn’t its own thing, right? It’s just a unripe pod. Saying “green chili” is like saying “green car” when asked what car you drive.

Banana peppers aren’t pickled. They’re a type of chili, a notch above bell peppers in heat.
You can pickle them like any other chili, but they themselves are not pickled.
I have a plant of them with ripening pods in my window (works excellent as a hydroplant).

The phrase is “the customer is always right in the matter of taste”. If it applies to just one industry, it’s food.

Sony doesn’t allow 3rd party resellers (no redeem code). Not all games are available on disc (I couldn’t find Stray on disc, as an example).