
My 2002 Polo 9N has this. This isn’t new. You’re just a BMW driver.

So, what exactly did you explain about the show?

I would add Mestari Cheng. Beautiful finnish movie about a chef.

So much wrong with this list.

Lightning often strikes the same spot multiple times.

It started off really well. Then when players got tired, after about a year, of nothing to do and “events” that most people couldn’t complete because shit wasn’t spawning, people went back to PoGo.

That’s the main issue with PoGo. Niantec keep believing everyone lives in a major metropolis where you can’t fart without gassing atleast three stops and a gym.

It’s already so hard for women to get justice for abuse or assault.

Dude, the coffee was so hot it melted the lady’s skin.

I remember when The Consumerist claimed to be the new UL.

I buy at franchises because they’re employ people who needs jobs.

I buy at franchises because they’re employ people who needs jobs.

She probably doesn’t know the difference between sludge and sediment (dregs).

I have an insane intake of water. I can easily go through 6-7 liters a day. On a hot day, it can be twice that. When I go out to eat, I always ask for a jug of water in addition of the coke I’m having. Never a glass. Often I get served a “jug” that holds a glass of water.

You do understand the CO2 isn’t free, right?

So the girl on the left is clearly a fucking idiot.

Consider other tools like a mandoline slicer

That’s nothing like chop suey in Norway.

Why did someone jizz on that cookie?

“Szechuan Sweet and Sour”. Not sour, just sweet. And doesn’t have szechuan pepper in it.