
So “the world” means less than half of the world?

Or how about not having to resizing my browser?

No, there was an article a year or two ago about a lady that had her car stolen by an unlicensed driver. The car was reported stolen, but it was still impounded. The lady couldn’t afford the fees, and the car was auctioned off at less than accrued fees. The lady lost her car and still had fees to pay.

I remember the reddit thread on this one. Apparently he had a bad reaction to ambien and alcohol.

In Norway, if you bought a Tesla new back when they had the free charging thing and still have it today, charging is still free. Because they had the free charging as a clause in the contract. And since Norway have a 5 year minimum reclamation law on electric car batteries, Norway has a shitton of old Teslas with

That you need to put your manual in neutral and only use the parking break when parking. It’ll apparently save your transmission.

Blade Runner 2 was so boring that my stepfather with alzheimer’s, who will literally have fun watching paint dry for hours on end, walked out saying it was too boring.

All of this are toys.

My issue with GI is that you’re going to hit a wall. I need help with a few quests. But I can’t get help because I’m locked out of coop because I have a challenge quest (Trails in Tianqiu) that’s disabled coop.

You can get a Mooserrari in Ireland?

“Hey, you do know you have an electric car, right?” I’m asked while I’m pumping gas.

I have a Kei-car on the larger side, and I keep getting told I have an electric car while I’m pumping gas.

You can get a Mooserrari in the US?

Dagley’s white boy summer exploits

Michelin stars are useless.

Last Week Tonight With John Oliver did an entire episode on it. It’s probably on YouTube.

For most of the international market, Sony doesn’t actually do the selling.

Yet again does the Salty Waitress writer that have never waited a table in hisher life tell people to continue letting this slavery stand.

Except in Europe most waitstaff are unionized and have legal representation included in their memberships. It’s not uncommon to find even the human dishwasher to have a union membership.

As the custommer it actually is your job to pay the employees and evaluate their performance.