I used to watch her shows. Then I got tired of her Madonnarisms.
I used to watch her shows. Then I got tired of her Madonnarisms.
Water blade? Is it a knife made of water?
Pineapple on pizza is fucking delicious. You fuckers all hate it because pop culture tells you to hate it.
No norwegian eats lingonberry jam as a spread. It’s a side to meatcakes in gravy.
My main complaint about ACV is the complete lack of sidequest overview/handholding.
There’s a skill that minimizes the fall damage.
I set the scale to whatever makes me see the logo clearly. It’s usually +3 or 4 above “barely see”.
If you’re looking at brand name sneakers or winter shoes, and the sole is hard and plasticcy, it’s fake. They’re probably made by the same factory as the true brand, with the same moulds. But they don’t use rubber.
The problem was, and still is, the marketing. When it was first shown, they presented it as something Spider-Man ended up being but with coop features. Then it was all coop. Then it was coop loot grinder.
In Norway a cracked windscreen can get you a no-use notice on your car. Hell, even a dirty screen can get you one.
I can’t complete Grantebridgescire. The ingot at Soham Hideout is stuck between the walkway and the hut, with no way to reach it.
6 gallons is almost 23 liters. That’s killing your kidneys.
I miss having proper sidequest. These mysteries are just funny timewasters for me. And some of them really need more handholding.
I spent a good five minutes running around trying to get that apple guy to do something, before I noticed I could pick up the crate.
Your biases are showing.
Godzilla had a stroke reading that.
Why do carmakers feel the need to include the front grille on EVs? It has no function, and considering that BMW has the ugliest grille of all these days, it doesn’t make any sense.
Everyone should have beehives.
People getting their oversized vehicles stuck at the drivethrough is daily occurrence.
Except rinsing off with a low-flow hose or a bucket is no worse on the seals than the foam they’re using. If the seals doesn’t seal, that moisture will get through regardless.
WD3 has easily the worst radio (music/audio) selection of all the GTA style games.