And yet you have enough interest to comment on it. And you can’t even figure out the edit feature.
And yet you have enough interest to comment on it. And you can’t even figure out the edit feature.
I loved Destiny, and really liked Destiny 2. But I stopped playing both when I hit the paywall DLCs.
I will not buy Destiny 3. I’m tired of buying games for AAA prices that’s basicly demos with the actual game as PDLCs.
Silent Hill 2. Pissed myself. Literally.
Change your text so “loot box” say “lottery ticket”. It’s the same thing. EA (and other such companies) doesn’t have a license to run a lottery.
Cleaning your hands after touching raw food, even the (open) containers it’s in, is basic cooking hygiene.
You know, racism isn’t like a fire. You can’t fight racism with racism.
Michelin Guide used to also weigh value. Not only did the food and restaurant have to be expertly run, but it also had to give you enough food to fill you up.
Wasn’t Rowling’s opinion that she thinks there should be limitations on where trans people should be allowed to participate? Like a FtM shouldn’t be allowed to participate in women’s wrestling due to the obvious differences in physique? See Mack Beggs, a FtM wrestler who keep winning against girls because he’s on…
Well, he’s not wrong that a few of people who write for The Root are blatantly racist towards whites.
That’s not how you fight racism.
Atleast they haven’t completely ruined the game like they did with Wizards United.
Sweet food is an antidepressant and an intoxicant, which is why we eat it when we’re sad and happy. It literally makes us feel better. Which is why more and more people are becoming overweight.
“People want big macs, not healthy food” waaawaawaa
I don’t have broken condoms, but a few of my friends have. One family have a rule; if you don’t eat, you don’t eat.
While there have been CG Resident Evil movies, this the first CG drama.
There’s only one participant that had its life ruined by XMHE. But yes, some participants got in trouble with IRS and the like. But they all won lawsuits against the production company, because they failed to mention that the participants were responsible for taxes. Most participants sold the houses later on.
I preordered three months ago...
Do muricans not attend basic school? This is basic schooling. It’s right up there with the alphabet and 1+1.
You get jizzed on? No wait, that’s Louis CK.
If you start giving out prizes with quotas, be it gender or race, is the prize truely based on skill or is it based on gender/race?
Regular bars are usually limited to soda and shirley temple.