Do debit cards not exist in the USA?
Do debit cards not exist in the USA?
Is this site still available? I tried googling, but just got buzzfeed styled lists.
Oh, no! The bad man said a no-no word! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
My problem with Kojima and his games aren’t that they don’t really make sense unless you’re stupidly stoned. It’s the fact that Kojima thinks that every country is as devoted to anime as japan, italy and germany. With DS and MGS, this is clear when it comes to character design and names. The big boss in DS is named…
You’re 8?
Anything you “buy” on PSN, XBL (or whatever MS is calling it), Steam, Origin, etc etc, you don’t own. You pay a one-time fee to rent a license, which can be revoked at any time for any reason by the supplier.
“We know it isn’t great, but what right do you have to complain?”
When I’m hanging at my local gas station (it’s pretty much a diner with a few pumps and 7-11 type of store), I often help out the nightshift girl with the hard labor. Like mopping the floors or restocking the shelves. She’s got two kids and a lazy domestic partner at home. So why shouldn’t I help out? She lets me hang…
You should WH for lunch, and chinese for dinner. Seriously. If you need a fuck you holiday dinner (whatever holiday it might be), chinese is the way to go. Unless it’s a chinese holiday, then pizza it is.
What’s next? Swapping out the plastic straws with coarse paper straws that dissolve within 5 minutes of moisture and completely masks the flavor of whatever you’re drinking? And also collapse when used in milkshakes, making it impossible to suck up the milkshake?
In Norway, styrofoam is considered “special and toxic waste” and isn’t allowed to be placed in household trash. It needs to go in its own bag and delivered to a recycling plant (truck won’t take it with them).
Living in a country where gas isn’t used at all outside BBQ, I really like knowing my house isn’t going to blow up because of some leaky gas tube.
Saves are not mods.
It’s not the lack of toys that makes the game slow in the beginning. It’s the fucking cutscenes. I’m 5ish hours into the game now, and i’ve maybe played for 45 min.
Is this an out of season april fool’s joke?
YumYum Beef with palmoil. The palmoil is important, because the freeze dried spice mix variant is fucking disgusting. I wouldn’t even serve it to Trump.
Who cares? The winner will be the movie that paid the most anyway.
The only time, for me that is, soup is a meal is when I get served peking soup (or hot and sour soup). Mainly because I’ll drink it by the liters.
Wait, let me get this straight.
Why are they changing them,though? Suddenly I’m seeing a lot of shittalking about some guy and Deadspin, but nobody is saying why they are shittalking.