In Norway, all shifts above 5 hours have a mandatory 30 min break. It’s unpaid, though. Unless you can’t leave the workplace (store without a breakroom, etc).
In Norway, all shifts above 5 hours have a mandatory 30 min break. It’s unpaid, though. Unless you can’t leave the workplace (store without a breakroom, etc).
I remember Fallout 4, which I bought on disc because I had shitty speeds. What did the DVD contain? A 4 fucking MB Steam client installer. That’s 40 GB over 500 KB/s. It took a full day.
You sound norwegian.
And then you have those who work at hours when there’s no public transport, or public transport is so far away from work/home there’s no point in taking it. Not everyone have the luxury of 24/7 public transport, or can live/work close enough to a stop that’s a viable option.
The only ones who will be affected by this, is the ones who really needs gas to afford gas. The people who barely have enough to cover living expenses after filling the car just enough so they can get to work and not earn enough to cover such taxes.
The machines are not cleaned by hand. It’s an automated process. And yes, it does take 3 hours.
Watched the first two episodes. In the first episode Chang performes hilarious animal abuse with Seth Rogan. And I FUCKING HATE SETH ROGAN AND HIS FUCKING LAUGH.
He literally says in the introduction it’s about food that looks too ugly to be in a good restaurant.
Only those with access to high speed internet and finances to get it “hates” optical media. The rest of the world still loves it.
None of the food presented on Ugly Delicious was ugly. Not even remotely.
So for PS4, you use the 3.5 mm cable on the controller?
Why would a supernova destroy a galaxy?
It’s so cute! Good on you for not having masculinity issues.
It’s as if everyone thinks Blizzard is running a charity, not a business. Blizzard’s entire reason for existing is to make money.
Your relationship have no future because of you, and your husband should divorce you.
You haven’t?
I’ve had this, and it tastes like fabric softener.
Isn’t sambal oelek something you use to make sauce, not a sauce in itself?
Why do people keep buying Tesla cars? They are literally the worst. The cars seem to be glued together with preschool glue, the custommer service makes Best Korea look downright cuddly, and the software is just downright dangerous.