
Completely useless. Netflix doesn’t announce release dates untill around 3 months ahead for major shows. Many get a little as two weeks. And everything else is marked for january 1st on that site.

You claim to have roughly 5 dollars in profit on a pizza. You don’t. You have a unspecified expense coverage of 5 dollars. It is not untill you do the end-of-year report you can claim a profit.

It’s not profit untill all expenses have been paid.

I prefer norwegian potatosalad. Potatoes in something akin to bechamelle, with bacon.

From the articles from last year.

Her contract lapsed, and she chose to not renew it.

Well, no. Weatherly wasn’t accused of being a dirtbag, but an idiot. All he did was make bad jokes towards situations which involved women. Dushku wanted out of her contract and jumped on it. Weatherly apologized for the jokes. Dushku got her free time and still got her contractual pay.

I agree. She needs to get help for her mental health issues.

Why are you Writing Like this? Did you Have a stroke? Should We call For an ambulance? Hold your Arms up. Who’s the president Of the United states Of america? Can you Tell us the current Date?

The guy who was bit was playing rough with the dog (like most dog lovers tend to do occasionally), which ended up with a bite. It wasn’t an aggressive bite, it was just play. Harmon took care of the guy, payed all bills and loss of pay related to the incident, and also had the dog checked out and further trained. The

Chris Klein and Sandra Oh. And Ellen Pompeo.

Yes, a child commits suicide by starvation after being molested and raped so let’s focus on the color of her skin.

So because you have bad genes and shouldn’t reproduce, the rest of us can’t eat?

Only the bad ones.

Kinja works just “fine” on Vivaldi with Ublock Origin.

Thanos was right.

She looks like a textbook example of Karen.

Just tell them you can’t afford it. If they don’t care, find better coworkers.

I got invited to a birthday party, and we all agreed to chip in on cover the birthday woman’s bill (her 30th).

Recently played cutoff is 3 months. If the game is “running”, it won’t update.