During said struggle, the officer used his taser, which was allegedly wrestled out of his control by the woman and used on the officer.
During said struggle, the officer used his taser, which was allegedly wrestled out of his control by the woman and used on the officer.
By help people you mean harass and brainwash people with little to no education, right?
Look at the tough guy. So big and strong. Oh, so cool.
Look at the tough guy. So big and strong. Oh, so cool.
This is such a major breach of food safety regulations that the place can get shut down.
Any food that comes back from the dining area, does not go back out to a new guest. Doesn’t matter if they touched it or not. The food is now deemed dirty.
What does “Milkshake Duck’d” mean? Does it mean threw a hissy fit like a little bitch because nobody read and submitted his stories after he moved four or five times without telling anyone where he went?
If it ain’t got pasta lasagna in it, it ain’t lasagna.
When you sneak in food, yeah, you’re breaking the rules
Diabetic, perhaps? The syrup is like 30% sugar.
Technically yes. But no. We have social dumping laws. You have to pay a livable wage,but most employers follow union tariffs, regardless if employees are unionized or not.
That “luxury water” Voss, is the same water that you get from a tap in Vatnestrøm, Norway.
There’s a pub in my town that got internationally famous for banning anyone with a Canada Goose jacket/parka.
This while they themselves were wearing cheap storebrand, animal cruelty certified, down jackets/parkas.
If you’re going to be fake woke, atleast don’t do it while wearing shit that’s filled with feathers still…
That’s a container. This was one entire weekend. Do you actually think that’s the only one she brought?
So the answer is “yes no maybe probably maybe no yes”?
Someone looks jealous.
Why aren’t The Takeout covering the horrendous crisis that is the new cardboard straws McD introduced?
Norwegian McD has a meatless burger.
Whenever I dine out with people who just have to bring their shitstains, I always tell them this infront of their children.
“She was screaming for everyone, please pray, please pray, please pray for my baby,” an eye witness said to CBS.