
Probably a quick rinse.

Why is it called Ugly Delicious? None of the food was ugly.

If your shitty kids find a restaurant full of adult people having low key conversations too loud, get out and go see a doctor.

What’s the inorganic kale made of?

Well, they kinda have to. They are losing all their contracts.

It’s Lifehacker. You know, the lifehacking blog that feature absolute zero lifehacks. It’s all clickbaits and demeaning posts.

You do realize we live in a society that teaches us that only women can be abused? And when men do get abused they’re ridiculed and told to “man up”.

I just love it when a recipie wants me to get a specific spice only found in an ant’s ass in the farthest reaches of the martian wastes.

And for the men? Let me guess, men can’t get raped or assaulted. We all want it.

And how do you think those pictures got there?

What did he do?

You do realize there’s a reason #himtoo exists, right? Most people don’t think men can be harassed and/or assaulted. Male rape victims have been approved joke material for decades/centuries. “All men want it”.

Is it AR only? If it is, expect a lot of hurt or killed children.

99% of all clothing donated to the Salvation Army, is thrown directly into the bin. If there’s even a minicule dropstain on it, it’s trashed. If it has commercial logos (like Coke or Pepsi), it’s trashed.

It’s weird (to me) that if they’re going to do another remake, they’ll do D2. Why not Diablo itself?

I’m poor. It’s no secret. My gang of friends often discuss my source of income (permanent health benefits, paid on the 20th every month). I often mention it online. I feel no shame in being poor, it’s just a fact of my life.

As someone who can’t afford fresh food, I eat expired food daily. Most poor people do.

In Norway, you’ve been able to buy the chain’s inhouse spice mix for a couple of decades now. They’ll include a small packet for free, and you can add a larger shaker the size of a baby can of coke (.25L) for like 2-3 bucks.

All drinking water have “bubbles” in it. It’s what gives water its freshness.

Fun fact: You know that overpriced bottle of Voss water? It’s unfiltered norwegian tap water.