

Definitely a decent dessert drink, but the artificial flavor really starts to stand out after a few gulps.

Can you imaging what the penalty would have been if those students were caught smoking pot?

I've always been told at aquariums that otters are the dogs of the aquatic world (very playful, interactive) but this is the first time I've actually seen one as a pet.

Happening to me too. Very frustrating, wish I could actually use it without it crashing 5 seconds after I start it.

Wait, I think Snowden did give a fuck, no?

Found it!

Someone's jealous.

What makes these ads so damn good is also that they play up the unforeseen element in a smart way. In this ad, you can see the family members making fun of yosougai:

God of War Saga ($20) | Amazon | That's an easy 5 platinum trophies right there God of War Saga Collection Amazon.com: $19.96 Buy now M432 readers bought this

Everyone knows it's Butters!


O-line would have been more appropriate TBH.

This tweet sums up everything:

If people are looking for headphones w/o mics for actual quality sound and competitive gaming, this thread on head-fi is a great resource.

Any Panther fan will tell you that you are wrong. At least we made the playoffs.

My GF's golden retriever is very protective of the family and has agressive anxiety around new people. He's okay with me now, but earlier in our relationship we were in the moment (GF was a bit loud) and he was NOT happy with me. Talk about an awkward family experience...

Aww man, the days of mashing X and O with Eddy ... about as cheap as it gets.

+1 for Spinal Tap.

Needs more megatron.