Definitely read that in their voices. Good Job, +1
Definitely read that in their voices. Good Job, +1
I don't believe that you're getting a solid 80 fps on BF4 on ultra unless you're crossfiring or something else.
And yet your graphics card alone costs the same if not more than the new consoles. Not everyone has that much cash to blow on a PC.
ECU still played a hell of a game.
Likable? Still nope. Go to hell, dook.
Seriously, no games = no launch sale for me. Also, after last gen's issues with hardware failures and the rumored PS4 HDMI issues, there's no reason to buy early.
Don't forget about Dook.
Underrated post, +1
I feel for 360 owners. Playing bayonetta on PS3 was a nightmare. Hopefully they patch GTA for you guys :/
Fucking call 911 and let the police handle it. Jesus.
Ah, I always forget about him. Even though he just won DPOTY :/
Who's playing center? And Jesus, with "chuck-city" Melo in the mix, the Kings might actually have a chance.
Wait, wasn't the new chancellor of UNC (Folt) a high-ranking official at Dartmouth? Hell, if there were this many problems there, UNC isn't going to get any better...
New link to video:
Damn, their grammar errors are affecting me too! AHHH!!!
Sooo, 10% of 10 million rand = $11,200?