
Forget about unproduced, these were clearly designed from Truffaut's film adaption of the book...

Of course, the usefulness of owning books is fading but I wonder if keeping a collection of your favorite books, movies, albums is necessarily a bad thing. I keep a bookcase of DVDs and blu-rays and as much as it's served an easy way to lend people movies it's also just a cool collection of movies that's

It wouldn't be Christmas without that MS-DOS demo of Jazz Jackrabbit Holiday Hare.

BREAKING NEWS: Openly Carrying a Gun in Mississippi Still Not Legal.

A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No! I am the one who knocks!

That one guy who's always standing outside the 7-11.

Two sticks and extra chocolate? Is it Mardi Gras?

It's a shame that studios aren't making great platformers at the same rate as they were being made in the '90s so I'll gladly take a sequel to one of the best platformers of the past decade. And in HD no less!

Huh, I would actually be really interested in Kotaku finding some of the musicians behind Video Games Live or these Zelda concerts and seeing what it's like playing for gamers. Because I know it's etiquette to dress up these sorts of concerts, that there's some established etiquette but does that actually bother the

I think it's important to note that even if you're a so called "apologist" that criticizing the Xbox One doesn't mean you immediately dislike everything Microsoft has done or will do. Lord knows Nintendo's done some screwy things in the past few years and while I personally think the good far outweighs the bad,

Hey annotation 2, how's it going over there? It seems your X fits directly in line with the right control stick.

You've got something on your face. No, on the other side...

I know at this point my comment's already lost in the shuffle but why is it so offensive that someone might believe in a god, to the point where many people feel the need to antagonize anyone who brings up their religion and despite that persons complete lack of hostility or goading. If he walked into a Muslim church

“They don’t make ‘em like they used to” seems like a cliche until you find something they actually don’t make like they used to when you were younger and even then using the phrase makes you feel like a walking cliche. But looking at a Kickstarter for a game that bills itself as a throwback to the great 3D platformers

Just what do you think you're doing Dave?

The Commodore 65?

I think everyone's hit upon the idea that you need to not over think it and just relax but here's my take:

This is a gaming site so of course I'm not alone here: I used to obsess over hidden Zelda secrets, especially theories and finds on this site called The Odyssey of Hyrule. It wasn't simply that I adored Ocarina of Time, it was that its world had such a sense of mystery. The game's foreboding tone somehow made the task