
The coffee in McCafes is often excellent, and the best option in many areas without good independents etc.

I’ve owned many cars from many brands to include Infiniti, Jaguar, Audi, Ford, GMC, Honda, Acura, Hyundai.

My first car was a 2007 MK5 Rabbit 2 door I shared with my 3 brothers. I put an exhaust and intake on that inline-5 and my god, that sounded amazing! What a fun car to drive as a high schooler. Fast enough to keep me entertained but slow enough to stay out of trouble. The build quality and interior of that car set my

No, no you don’t.


Jefferson Twilight calls dibs.

So after a game set post-Brexit we get a game post-Trump.

Might be a deep cut, but:

They should cast him in a live action adaptation of Robotech as Roy Fokker.

As I understand it, in exchange for having to go through the DACA debate again in 3 weeks time (still well in advance of the program actually expiring) with the possibility of another shutdown on the table, CHIP got funded for the next 6 years. So this headline is really petty and ignorant.

100% on board for the Feisar ship.

Can you comment on the ongoing negotiations regarding the extradition of James Buchanan Barnes?

Sadly, the Drift Mode setting on the Edge ST just deploys a nice plaid blanket, from the central console, draping it across your lap, helping you Drift further into bland middle aged comfort.

The crystal foxes reminded me so much of the Lothwolf and Lothcat from Rebels. Not sure if it was intentional, but it seemed like a nice nod to Filoni, as well as a good bit of continuity through the SW universe of how such animals are helpful to the good guys.

Does anyone else feel like the handful of students Ben left the temple with that Luke refers to when finally spilling the beans to Rey about what really happened with Ben is sort of a Chekhov’s Gun? Knights of Ren, anyone?

Neutral. Morbid as hell! We’re Jalopers. I’ll be on craigslist looking at rust buckets while on my death bed!

I would LOVE a digital version of Arkham Horror LCG.

I’m still kinda annoyed with GW killing Invasion and Conquest. I’d love to have those LCGs in this format.

Yes, please! Pretty please!! Especially Netrunner!

Like this is even a contest: