
Well Luke mentioned that Ben took a bunch of students with him when he destroyed the Jedi temple, so I’m guessing that they’re the Knights of Ren. The big question is that if they were Ben’s fellow students what the heck was Luke doing that made it so easy for Ben to turn them to his side?

Probably a while longer than that. See the thing with charging batteries is that charging it up from empty is a pretty quick affair but when you get to that last little bit of capacity that needs to be filled it becomes really difficult to store more energy since there’s so much in there already.

Its more that people in-game made a gatcha machine where you get a box with a random item in it. The pirates are just replicating said items and selling them at a lower price with no RNG.

I had a brown 30gb one, and the two best features were the AM/FM radio and the ability to sync it to your music library over wi-fi.

In all honesty a Mad Max-style battle royale racing game could actually be pretty fun, kind of like a better version of Full Auto. 

The TFA novel suggested that Ben had encountered Snoke when he was a child prior to going to train with Luke. But that leaves the question as to how Snoke came to be a part of the First Order and why the highly secular Empire would let another Force-wielder rule them.

Hux’s dad was an Imperial officer who invented the indoctrination technique that the First Order uses to control their Stormtroopers. In TFA when Kylo Ren mentions that Hux’s troopers are treasonous the reason why he gets defensive is because his father’s innovation is the only reason why he’s in charge.

It could tie into the whole idea of the Force subtly guiding events. When Ben is talking to Vader’s helmet in TFA (“Show me again”) it suggests that at one point he saw something which could be similar to the vision that Rey did.

Maybe name recognition? The old Tiguan was criticized for being too small so putting it on a larger platform gives the illusion that they’ve listened to critics and consumers. Plus it opens up the door for the T-ROC or a smaller crossover because more crossovers = more better to car companies.

See I was thinking that the First Order BB droid had been smuggled aboard and was broadcasting their location or that they implant Stormtroopers with trackers that they can use to locate their people and Finn was unwittingly alerting them to the fleet’s location.

I think it would have worked better if it was like the Reimagined BSG episode ‘33' where they’re constantly jumping to keep ahead of the First Order but are rapidly running out of fuel and don’t have any idea how the First Order was tracking them.

That would make sense too as it could be a continuation of Rebels like Rebels was a continuation of The Clone Wars.

With Rebels coming to an end Disney did mention that Dave Filoni’s next series is going to take place in the Sequel Trilogy universe. So odds are that its going to see the formation of the New Rebellion and possibly the new Jedi Order under Rey.

I guess the only concern I’d have is what expansion pack DLC will cost. The iOS/Android/PC release of a similar game Ascension: Chronicles of the Godslayer addressed the issue of different people having/not having certain expansions by being able to set what expansions you wanted to use when setting up a match. I

I’m hoping that if this takes off they offer a digital version of Android: Netrunner or Legend of the Five Rings. Fantasy Flight’s LCGs are a lot of fun but sometimes it can be hard to find a game.

Starfleet kept messing around with transwarp travel with ships like the Excelsior, Star Trek Online has them introducing the Quantum Slipstream Drive Voyager encountered into mass production a little while after the destruction of Romulus.

The current Beetle isn’t a bad car, sure its a Golf with different bodywork, but the arched roof gives it plenty of headroom and its actually pretty spacious inside. An electric RWD one would be nice in in my book.

Not really, Cartoon Network does this with most of their shows. They hype that you can see episodes of Teen Titans Go!, OK KO, and other shows before they air on TV in the ads that they run.

Its more that they just burn through episodes because they do the bomb format for a week or a month at at time. Since cartoons take forever to animate they basically burn through how many episodes they have prepared and then have to go months until they can make more of them.

The rear and side profile remind me of the Alfa Brera