
Private prisons are big in the south and mandatory minimum sentences affect a disproportionate amount of minorities. It keeps donations flowing and minorities down, of course the GOP won’t back it.

That is entirely possible, also considering that WWI is right around the corner (Europe did send military observers to watch the Civil War) you could see the Zimmerman Telegram actually lead to a German-Mexican alliance.

In Harry Turtledove’s stories about the alt-history Civil War the Confederacy dropped slavery since their major trading partners, France and Britain were on the verge of sanctioning them for their continued practice of slavery.

I’m looking forward to seeing a new S60/S40 with the S90's styling.

I agree, the guy was trained to become a living weapon from a young age, odds are that social development wasn’t really a big part of his training.

Or the Kree-Skrull War was ongoing in the current day which is why they signed the peace treaty with Xandar that Ronon was fighting against in GotG.

I had some issues with Danny’s portrayal and fight choreography but the overall result reminded me of the early seasons of Arrow. Its not as great as the height of some of the other MCU shows, but its no where near as bad as some people make it out to be.

I’m hoping that Rebels or another story has the Incom Corporation engineers attempting to defect with the plans for the X-Wing. We don’t get to see much about what goes on within the halls of the major shipbuilders of the galaxy.

As long as the Guardians aren’t in an area where The Darkness is exerting its power (IE anywhere in-game that doesn’t restrict respawning) and their Ghost is still intact they can be resurrected even if they’ve been shot/vaporized/impaled by said Ghost.

I’d accept what would happen just to punch him and Ryan in their smug, whining faces.

Less seizing power, more training the heir in how to actually govern and handle diplomacy and the workings of the court.

I’m honestly expecting him to rage stroke one of these days. Being that angry all the time along with subsisting on red meat and KFC isn’t healthy.

Part of it is that as the more moderate members of the Left moved closer to the Right, the Right would nudge itself a little more towards the Right partially for the sake of ideological purity and changes in GOP strategy.

The GOP platform relies upon fear. Most of these folks out in the rural areas don’t have much and fear losing what they do have. The GOP trots in with the idea of an “other” in the form of the left, who they claim through their mouthpieces and cohorts want to take what they have from them and give it to everyone else

Most people lack military or law enforcement training to know how to react in those situations.

I’m concerned that this constant haranguing of the press in these briefings combined with the political climate being created in this administration is going to cause someone to snap.

They’d never vote for it but they should have to pay for their healthcare and be forced to live with the same mess that their constituents have to do they can get a taste of their own medicine.

While I doubt that he was able to collude we do know a few things:

Now playing

He’s the IRL version of Zapp Brannigan from Futurama.